[quote=Magic Magnum] That basically is atheism... :/ The 'a' is meant to represent a negative. So when you put 'a' next to theist it means "Not a theist" in other words atheism. [/quote] [quote=Magic Magnum] I think there's a misunderstanding. I'm not claiming atheism = hates religion. I'm saying Jorick's idea of using a negative 'a' without term in front of theist in order to describe those who hate Religion, is already the method that was used to make the term atheist in the first place. [/quote] What? No, the prefix a- and anti- are different things. a- means not or without, anti- means against or in opposition to. Atheism means "without theism," antitheism would mean "against theism." I don't get what your misunderstanding is here.