George frowned, pulling his forehead together, skin faint with subtle hints of pimples. He’d never thought, nay considered, what muggles had to go through. The secrecy they were all bound to was standard life to those without non-magic family members. Sadie was practically losing half her life. “You’ll have the entire Ministry on your back if you tell them anything- your brother is right. There are stricter laws protecting what we do with magic than anything else when it comes to Muggles.” He shifted unsteadily and sighed. “Why not write to them? I’m sure your parents could easily send supplies-“ Parchment would have been the least of their concerns considering the usual method of mail postage. “Send ‘em to your parents though first. I doubt they’d shrug off letters coming by owl.” Seine offered his suggestion with a smile. “There’s nothing to suggest your can’t have Muggle friends; just don’t go casting magic in front of them.” Seine let out a small laugh, before resting his hand on Sadie’s shoulder. “We should go exploring this evening. Find some of the secret rooms my Dad mentioned. Apparently him and his friends knew so many of the passages. Part and parcel of how he caused so much trouble I guess.”