After finishing the night at the forge with Gorzath, which had produced a fine shortsword of steel, Elayna had gone back to the tent to sleep with Toad resting on her belly. Sleep danced in and out of her reach. While the night with Gorzath, Thyra, and the Dunmer whose name was Zainat, had left her feeling at least a little better, the coming day would test her. It would put her life truly on the edge for the second time. The Necromancer's lair was child's play compared to the approaching mission, and Elayna had to be ready mentally and physically for it. What she lacked in strength, she made up for in lithe dexterity. A perk of outrunning angry bears and scaling trees for precious ingredients. But in her mind...was she ready to go to the lion's den? One misstep, and she'd be dead. Or worse, considering it was the Dwemer. Deciding it was best to, for once, leave things in the hands of the Divines, Elayna finally was able to find rest until the morning hours. The young woman rose from her bedding, and prepared along with the others, listening intently to the briefing. Her fears were affirmed, but she stayed resolute. A mistake would cost her her life. Mistakes, however, were her field of expertise. Her Alchemy was littered with them, and she had learned to adequately adapt. If she was lucky, Elayna would be able to cover her ass if things turned south. And thus, the trek to Helgathe began... The forest was dearly missed as they moved into the scalding desert, though Elayna wasn't really worried. She silently thanked her mother and father for having her learn the ways of cryomancy, as it was incredibly relieving to shower herself and companions with a weakened Frostbite spell. Toad certainly enjoyed it as he stumbled along in the sand, struggling to keep up in his thick fur. Before she thought about picking up her friend, Elayna reviewed her cover identity. [i]From now on, I'm Sylvia Gwenn, a Breton botanist from Wayrest traveling with a band of merchants to study samples of Hammerfell's flora. Fitting, I suppose, though all it is is a change of name and birthplace. Should make playing the part that much more convincing.[/i] Elayna rehearsed in her mind, plucking Toad up from the sand and holding him in her arms. After a few hours, Rashad mentioned that they were closing in on Helgathe. The city loomed further ahead, amazing in it's stature and size. No wonder the Dwemer took interest in it. It's spiraling architecture was mesmerizing and beautiful, a far cry from the cut-and-dry style of the Imperial City. Upon approach, Elayna had Toad wriggle his way into the cargo to hide. The last thing she wanted was for the damned Dwemer to take him. Adjusting the spring green linen Hijab she'd been given, matching the robe or dress-like clothing she wore, so that it fit more loosely, Elayna was subject to the guard checkpoint with everyone else. With the bastards so close, the urge to grab at her familiar dagger strapped to her thigh and slice one of their throats was incredibly strong, but her emerald eyes stayed clear, warding off the red mist. Soon. They'd have their chance soon. And if she had anything to do with it, it'd be as painful and agonizing as possible. They passed into Helgathe, a gorgeous city of ornaments and curves unseen in Cyrodiil. It's beauty soothed Elayna's heart, and she found herself smiling as they were lead into Rashad's basement. There, they were briefed on the city, and given an small amount of Septims, as well as the Insurgency's calling...coin? It was enough for now, and the symbol would surely prove useful. Toad whimpered beside her, knowing he would be left alone. It made the Breton's heart ache, as she knew that taking him around Helgathe would simply draw too much attention. Lifting her garb slightly to reach the dagger, she cut a strip from the Hijad, readjusting to hide the damage. Elayna tied this strip to Toad's front right leg, stroking the fox's head. "You can always find me, my darling. My things are waiting at the warehouse. Be swift." Even if the creature of the forest could not truly understand her words, they shared a bond that transcended spoken language. Some called her a fool for loving Toadstool as she did, but they were all fools themselves. Following Elayna outside, Toad quickly slipped into the shadows of an alley, following his master's scent to find where he'd wait. The Alchemist, however, took to the streets, combing the stalls and stores for... There it was. A ways from Rashad's store, was the familiar symbol of a mortar and pestle. With a deep breath, Elayna pushed open the door to the alchemist's store, and was immediately hit with the scent of many herbs and flowers. The scent of home. Behind the counter, an aged man was turned around, sorting through jars. An image of Dominus flashed into her mind, causing her heart to jerk and the question "Dominus?" to lodge itself in her throat. If the Redguard hadn't turned to greet her, she may have made a fool of herself. As she still stared dumbfounded, he asked if she was alright, after already saying hello. His greeting seemed to have fallen on deaf ears. Blinking to bring herself back to reality, Elayna smiled and nodded. "Yes, I'm fine. You just reminded me of someone, that's all." Approaching the counter, she went into her coinpurse. "My name is Sylvia...would you happen to have anything needing done?" She slid the Merchant Guild's coin across to him, the elderly fellow looking it over, and looking at the woman's verdant eyes. He looked as though he meant business, but not in an overbearingly serious way. The man grew to be more and more like her former master each moment. "Why just so happens I do. I'm in need of someone to fetch a shipment of ingredients, but my joints are just so stiff...are you familiar with Alchemy, my dear?" He asked. "It just so happens that I am. I'd love to help you, Mister...?" "Sasik. Just Sasik. Pleased to meet you, Sylvia." "Likewise. So, what do you need?" "Right this way..." Sasik pushed a ragged mahogany curtain aside, allowing Elayna to move to the back of the store. The usual set-up sat on a table, with jars and bottles lining the walls of the small room. Most were empty. "I have quite a damaged stock from this invasion, and I have to go through attain anything not from Hammerfell. People need medicines and remedies, and with what I have, I cannot provide them." Sasik explained, Elayna nodding as he went on. It certainly was limiting to only work with local reagents. Nodding, Elayna agreed to obtain Sasik's ingredients. Leaving the storefront, she made her way to the heart of the market of Helgathe, where she saw Zainat, or Sul-Matuul as he was now called, peddling his prayer rugs. He was motioning to Thyra, by the other stalls. Not wanting to keep Sasik waiting, but wanting to see how things were going, she stepped up to the Dunmer's stall and feigned serious interest in the rugs. "What beautiful rugs you have here..." She marveled at the tapestries, smiling over in Thyra's direction after doing so. She didn't want to break her character, but this little meeting was more than comforting in such a big city.