[color=ed1c24]"Oh I heard she was quite attractive."[/color] Felix replied, giving another grin. It was amusing to mess with her, and she was definitely pretty when embarrassed. Plus her boobs were quite soft. [color=ed1c24]"Though she wasn't probably nearly as beautiful as you. After all a fantasy of some lunatic is nothing compared the the bared truth of reality, as the abstract painting is no match for the sunrise after a storm."[/color] As he flirted, his eyes flitted through the book. His hand twitching as the scent of Magna was making his battle instincts flare up. Penhand running on autopilot, he offered an apologetic smile to the woman opposite. [color=ed1c24]"Sorry, I suffer from ADD. If I'm not doing at least three things simultaneouly I get antsy."[/color] [@MsMorningstar]