[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/NtCfqSz/Gargoyle-Banner.jpg[/img] [color=f7976a][i][b]Location: HQ > Gym > Kitchen || Mentions: [@Shard][@NightmareInd][@Duthguy][@Shellshock][/b][/i][/color][/center] "[color=a9a9a9]Nineteen,[/color]" he belted out between gritted teeth as beads of sweat began to form on his brow. He was laying upon a bench, using all his human might to fight gravity, pushing the heavily weighted bar off of his chest and into the air as far as his arms could reach. All the while, he couldn't help but consider how easy this would be if he flipped the switch. If he's just let the beast within take over, he could do this with one hand, perhaps even one finger. He wasn't ready to totally surrender his humanity, yet, though. As the Gargoyle, things seemed much easier, no doubt about that, but there was a certain rush that came with it. A particular excitement born from the presence of aggression and violence. That feeling, it didn't feel like it belonged to Zane. It felt like it was coming from somewhere else and it continued to make his cautious about his other half. "[color=a9a9a9]Twenty![/color]" Zane pushed the bar all the way up and racked it, feeling a small send of pride as he sat up. He grabbed a nearby towel that he had set aside and dabbed his forehead, drying it of the evidence speaking toward his exasperation. Donning a shirt with cut off sleeves and some basketball shorts, the young man stood up and stretched his arms out. There were two large bulged on his back that moved along with his shoulder blades. The skin around them constantly felt strained, like a sunburn that wouldn't go away. Beneath them, they hid the wings of his other form. Every time he called upon them, the skin would split and his demonic limbs would sprout out in all their glory. When it was time to recall the form, they'd retract and new skin would form other them, encasing the appendages within his back. Luckily, the bulges weren't grotesquely obvious. As it was, he simply looked like he spend more time in the gym working on his rhomboids than any other muscles. He gave himself a look in the mirrored wall and tried to accept the image of the person staring back at him. As he gazed upon himself he couldn't help but wonder which version was the mask; this face or the other's. He tossed the soiled towel at his reflection, forcing himself to snap out of his focus. The best thing to keep his mind of of it lately was to stay active, stay busy, be around people and keep the brain occupied. As he left the gym, his senses picked up something magnificent. It smelled sweet... and fresh... and divine... His mouth began to water. Following his nose, he eventually sound himself in the kitchen looking at some slightly familiar faces. The team was a work in progress and he hadn't felt like he's truly imprinted on any of them yet, or vice versa, but they were all interesting in their own way. "[color=a9a9a9]You're killing me,[/color]" he said finally to the group. "[color=a9a9a9]Here I am trying to pump myself up for the next throw down and you guys are over here with ambrosia trying to fuck up all my hard work.[/color]" Zane let a smirk escape his lips as his eyes wandered the room. They soon fell on a relative stranger, though, who seemed well armed. Zane's eyes emitted a muted glow in reaction to the sight. Fight or flight. Zane had both options, literally, but usually opted for the former. "[color=a9a9a9]Someone want to tell me who this is?[/color]"