"Man we talked about that the whole ride here sir." Panther spoke for the group as they seemed to have already worked out their feelings with one another I the Gazere. "We're helping them because they got what we need, oil. Without oil our work would come to an end and the faithless would run rampant. If it weren't for the oil, we'd be letting them die to the EDF. Everyone knows they don't need the amount of oil they have, so selling it off for our help is the same as ransom if you ask me. You can't put a price on what God created, it's not right. The Lord put it there for all mankind to have in a time when ll were faithful. For these Godless heathens to come along and tell us we have to do what they say to get it, just not right. But it's less trouble than an all out war with them and the Admirals say it's the best thing so we can't argue with that." To the second question the three looked over their shoulders at the woman before Panther went on. "We fought with her a few times. The quick version? Cold and scary. I mean, out here there's people who don't care if you live or die just as long as you do your job. But her? He'll I don't know what she cares about. She'll follow order but she don't give a damn about you or me, and sure as he'll don't care what you think of her." Wold finished the answer. "Tell you one thing though, either that machine is way more advanced than they let on or she's one hell of a pilot. Wouldn't want to go against that thing one on one. I mean a skilled pilot could take it down I'm sure, but she definitely has some kind of advantage."