[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLjFhZTNmZi5VRzluWjJWeWN3LCwuMA,,/dephiana.regular.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Wf7CYzf.gif[/img][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/823e480db754f7ff1276eb58d7956c55/tumblr_ncfcecNihu1rbw50xo6_250.gif[/img] [sub][i]Featuring: [color=a187be]Ariana Song[/color] and [color=F7DC6F]Sarah Rosen[/color][/i][/sub][hr][hr][/center] [color=a187be][b]"That's why you don't play monk!"[/b][/color] [color=F7DC6F][b]"You put it on Torment 14, and I'm missing a piece of my set!"[/b][/color] Sarah replied, her hands slamming down on the desk they were sharing, [color=F7DC6F][b]"What made you think that was a good idea? I can't even breathe here."[/b][/color] The two gamer girls were posted up in Ariana's room, sitting in front of their screens as they tackled the wonderful game known as Diablo 3 together. Currently they were playing adventure mode, where the goal was to simply go into a rift and kill all the monsters as quickly as they could. Ariana was currently using her demon hunter to boost Sarah, who was trying to set up her monk but wasn't exactly having an easy time doing so. It didn't help that Sarah was trying a class she didn't know at all. Usually she played as a Crusader or a Demon Hunter, but some persuasion on Ariana's part (the fact that she was the one playing a demon hunter and having two of the same build made no sense) helped her decide to play monk instead, which wasn't exactly going well. After the encounter in the coffee shop, the two girls had agreed to hang out together and play something. They had burned through and won a couple games of Counter Strike and League, although it wasn't easy. It was what happened when you had two Master Guardian Elites and two Masters play together. On one hand you had some top talents, but on the other hand you were also playing against top talents as well. it wasn't exactly steamrolls, but they managed to eek out some VERY close wins. But, after having to deal with the upmost stress and gaming their asses off, they decided to wind down and play some Diablo. There was way less brainpower involved with the dungeon crawler than there was with the other games. As some would say, it wasn't as much of a big-brain game as it was to CSGO and League of Legends. At least, to most people anyway. [color=a187be][b]"You're not [i]that[/i] weak. Are your binds set up correctly? You should be able to hang with these dudes."[/b][/color] [color=F7DC6F][b]"I am hanging..."[/b][/color] Sarah paused momentarily to run away from a demon that was about to deal upwards of 1.4 billion points of damage to her, [color=F7DC6F][b]"...from a noose."[/b][/color] Ariana groaned in the back. She was enjoying hitting a button and one shotting everyone around her, but if Sarah was miserable some things were going to have to change so she could have a better time. The obliteration of demons and monsters was one thing, but a miserable Sarah was an entirely different thing. [color=a187be][b]"Alright buddy. After this rift... we can fuckin'... uh- lower the torment. Torment V. I promise."[/b][/color] Ariana glanced up from behind her screen, raising her eyebrows so her fellow gamer could see. [color=F7DC6F][b]"Okay..."[/b][/color] Sarah shrugged, holding down her mouse so her little monk could run away for dear life. Without the piece of her armor set, she couldn't really be competitive at all. It was boring watching Ariana run around and one shot everything while everything was one shotting her and hiding out in a corner while Ariana cleared rooms out for her. It wasn't fun at all, and it was the result of one [i]singular[/i] item. It was a measly ring that she needed to obtain in order to complete her build and do damage in the billions. Looking at the purple meter on the side of the screen, it was filling up at a great rate for soloing it. But, it would've been faster if Sarah was in on the fun. Hiding out in the corner of the room, Sarah took out her phone to take a look at it while Ariana was doing her thing. However, she was startled once she heard the noise that signaled the arrival of the rift boss. It was loud, and it was scary considering Sarah had lost track of how much progress Ariana was making. She yelped a bit before she got back to the game. [color=a187be][b]"Oooohhhh shit. Yoooo Sarah, come help!"[/b][/color] Turns out bosses on Torment XIV were a lot harder than she had expected, especially doing it one on one. Ariana was mashing her buttons as hard as she could, but she only had so much hatred to go off of before she ran out. Sarah, in the meantime, was making her way to Ariana. Sarah was fulling expecting to get yeeted on, but she couldn't just leave Ariana hanging. Running as fast as she could, she could hear the sounds of knives been thrown and thunder booming get louder and louder. By the time Sarah got there, both Ariana and the boss were a tick away from defeating each other. It was just a matter of luck, and as it had turned out Ariana had pulled the short straw. Just as soon as Sarah had gotten in range, Ariana's Demon Hunter had turned into a gravestone, and the boss was just about to aggro onto her. [color=a187be][b]"Sarah! Run!"[/b][/color] On cue, Sarah turned back the other way and tried to get to the level entrance, where Ariana would be respawning. However, the boss teleported in front of her and cut her off. If she got any closer, she ran a HUGE risk of being killed. On instinct, Sarah hit a button in a mad dash of abilities. A hail mary, if you will. Something had to work and do something so she could stay alive long enough for Ariana to come back. Lo and behold, the boss disappeared in a giant glow. Dissolving into a pool of blood and being replaced with a plethora of loot and gems and whatnot. [color=F7DC6F][b]"Oh SHIT."[/b][/color] Ariana stood up and raised her arms in victory. [color=a187be][b]"Oh my god! Sarah, you did it!"[/b][/color] Ariana had a look of astonishment on her face as she took off her headset, getting out of her seat to congratulate Sarah on her improbable victory, even if it was just a bit of luck. Sarah, having processed what had just happened, was also surprised and quite frankly couldn't handle what happened. It was such a stupid thing to be excited over, but she was so happy she had clutched the rift. The odds were stacked against her. She was a squishy target against a boss with over a billion points of health, and to do a critical shot to finish off the boss was something that was more than extraordinary. [color=F7DC6F][b]"I did it, oh my god I did it!"[/b][/color] Sarah jumped out of her seat as well, giggling deliriously as she stood up to meet Ariana halfway. [color=a187be][b]"Dude that was fucking awesome! I can't believe it! Hoooly shit!"[/b][/color] Ariana cheered, [color=a187be][b]"You're the best, Sarah. Oh my god. I've never seen anything like it..."[/b][/color] Ariana was truly stunned, and she was excited just from seeing it. Being caught up in the happiness and the positive attention from Ariana, Sarah couldn't help but to get caught up in it. It was one thing to be praised by her teammates online, but to be praised by Ariana in this fashion for such a play... Sarah just couldn't help herself. Sarah got caught up in the praise, and as a result, when she and Ariana made contact, she kissed her. Didn't even hesitate. Sarah just WENT for it, which definitely caught Ariana off guard. It was waaaaaaaaaay out of left field and was more unexpected than the Spanish Inquisition. Breaking the kiss, Ariana was left standing there, eyes wider than ever. [color=a187be][b]"Uh..."[/b][/color] [color=F7DC6F][b]"...uh oh?"[/b][/color]