Your character, who apparently has Sith ancestry, was born on the capital world of the Republic, was given a misappropriated lightsaber by his mother, briefly joined the Jedi Order (maybe?) despite not being force sensitive, dropped out of the Jedi Order, traded his lightsaber to a homeless man, and was recruited to join the Imperial Army. This character construction suggests, at best, an insufficient understanding of the setting. We do not have particularly high standards. The Persistent World is meant to be an inclusive roleplaying experience appropriate for all writing levels. That said, we do require that applicants have some understanding of the Star Wars setting and create characters appropriate to that setting. The sheet presents a character that, for a long list of reasons, is entirely disconnected from the Star Wars setting and cannot be accepted without a substantial overhaul. The GM team has put a great deal of effort into creating guides that are intended to guide prospective players who are unfamiliar with the setting in their character creation efforts. I would consult those in the editing process, as well as the Star Wars Wiki.