Hello there, fellow gamers. I'm looking to revive interest on here in play-by-post games with a pro wrestling theme by running one or more of them. I've worked on a variant of the World Wide Wrestling RPG with some added crunch and would be keen to test my ideas here (and/or start with just the base game). For more on this, see my post in the Tabletop Interest Checks. I'm also open to playing in other games on here. At this writing, I have no Discord account. RPG bio: Started with AD&D in high school; played more than 20 different systems since then ~ especially Champions, Mutants & Masterminds, Mage, Changeling, and Pathfinder. Web/Forum bio: Former BBS user (who had acoustic couplers and 300 baud connections?); ran a few quiet, low-traffic groups on Yahoo; made and updated some basic, static Web sites when CSS and PHP were fancy.