[hr][center][color=khaki][h1]Freya Leander ~ Cait Sith[/h1][/color][/center] [hr] [@Heartfillia] [@pkken] Freya suppressed a squirm. [i]At least nobody died...[/i] No students had, but images of the guards' sprawled forms flashed through her mind. Although Raymond's comment was much kinder than Eira's, she hoped it didn't bring those memories back for Renard. She listened to Raymond's explanation for his absence, which became more of an apology. [color=khaki]"Hey, not your fault,"[/color] she replied, attempting to lower the wall he'd put up, as evidenced by the book he took refuge in. He didn't need to blame himself any more than Renard did. [color=khaki]"And the fewer people involved, the better."[/color] A stretch of uncomfortable silence went by. Freya finished her sandwich, pondering a subject that wouldn't loop back to the current one. It seemed unavoidable, the shadow of Friday's events lingering in the background no matter how they tried to distance themselves. Thankfully, Raymond spoke up with a happier topic. At the mention of a bakery, Freya raised her head. [color=khaki]"Free food? Not gonna say no to that."[/color] While she didn't have as much of an appetite as usual, she'd probably be hungrier later, stress starting to ease as people did what they could to lighten the mood. She chuckled at Renard's little quip. Not only did his jokes cheer her up anyway, hearing him make one again certainly did. A sign his usual self was still in there somewhere, slowly resurfacing. [color=khaki]"Ooh, mice? Count me in for sure!"[/color] With a smirk at the other two, she added, [color=khaki]"Nah, just kidding, I can rein in that instinct. Not gonna put anyone off their food. I'll settle for a cream puff, or if there's anything savoury, a slice of salmon quiche."[/color] This was what they needed. Something fun, something relaxing - above all, something normal.