[Center] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/319517044364017674/530882221087784970/OhannakeloiSymbol2.png[/img] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/319517044364017674/530882185767550998/ohanna1.png[/img] & [h1][color=orange][b][u]Kalmar[/u][/b][/color][/h1] [/center] [hr] It had been a decent amount of time, the day had not turned but Heliopolis had moved significantly since they had arrived over Kalgrun. A great deal of the excitement had died down among the Nebulites after it simply became a view of trees passing below rather than the waters of an ocean, although occasionally something was spotted moving in the skies with them, they usually past by and at large distant so it was hard to tell what these occasional creatures may have been. The keep was moving rather rapidly across the sky as Ohannakeloi wanted to get a general survey of the landscape before going to anything particularly of interest. He could see that there was generally a fairly good diversity of life here, which has its own uses, but he had yet to see anything of grand interest, or at least anything that would be cause enough to stop. [color=D8CCBA]“Solun, have they finished moving the pots into the lower storage areas I showed them?”[/color] “I do not know Divine Ohannakeloi. I shall go check for you, I have not heard from them.” The Nebulite nodded and left descending the tower to the lower regions of the keep. Ohannakeloi was quite confident that they were not and in fact likely slacking, but that did not bother him, their company was more pleasant to have around rather than a necessity of comfort. If he truly needed work done it was easier to do it himself, he could easily move the pots but they were quite entertaining and unfortunately grew bored easily. He would have to figure out something more than their base capabilities to keep them occupied. A distant screech was heard, and a dark shape appeared over the horizon. With the sun directly behind it, none save Ohannekeloi would be able to make it out; but it was a griffin. An unusually massive griffin, comparable in size to his tower, and coated in black feathers. And it was heading straight for him. He was unconcerned. [color=D8CCBA]“Hello there, may I have your name so that I may greet you in better fashion?”[/color] Ohannakeloi spoke, ensuring his words carried the distance to the great beast. The creature did not respond, instead continuing on its direct course toward the flying tower. Then, as it came within a few hundred metres, it made a sudden turn, and begin to fly circles around the stone structure. It did not appear to have hostile intentions - at least not yet. [color=D8CCBA]“Curious perhaps? Or evaluating whether I threaten your territory? I cannot guess well at your thoughts, you seem peaceable enough.”[/color] As Ohannakeloi mused to the large Griffin, Nebulites came out of the depths of the keep to gawk, others stayed back in the doorways, not wanting to leave the comfort of the stone structure. Ohannakeloi was amused mostly with the great beast, it had an interesting design to say the least, it was clear enough what deity had made this creature, he had yet to come upon a deity which had even tried to hide the traces of their divine essences, especially in the greater creations. [color=D8CCBA]“I assure you I mean to cause no true harm.”[/color] With no further reaction from the creature, and no otherwise disruption in their course the flying keep continued on its way with a new companion. The Nebulites grew a little more bold as time went on, getting up the keep’s walls and the inner court and ramp. Eventually Solun returned to report, after it was clear enough that nothing further seems like it would happen as the griffin was content to circle. “Divine Ohannakeloi, they had not finished but were in the process when I had left them. Do you know what the creature wants?” [color=D8CCBA]“No, I am not overly concerned either, it has made little move other than to stay with us since it has come upon the Ihomakwoi.”[/color] Solun did not reply, instead keeping a steady tracking of the creature as it circled the keep. Ohannakeloi went back to examining the terrain below, the griffin evidently uninterested in replying or addled enough to lack the ability to comprehend. The forests began to give away to grasslands, it gave a less obstructed view and once again the Nebulites had some interest in looking at the new lands below them. In distance Ohannakeloi spotted something of interest, some rather tall and lanky forms moving in the grass, possibly bipedal although he wouldn't want to make that call at the great distance, obscured by too much by vegetation. The path of the flying keep turned slightly more in that direction. [color=orange]”Stop where you are,”[/color] a deep voice suddenly commanded within the minds of all those on board the fortress, Ohannakeloi included. Most of the Nebulites froze as Ohannakeloi sent back, [color=D8CCBA]“Does that include the motion of the keep or is that meant in a personal sense of motion in reference?”[/color] [color=orange]”The Keep,”[/color] the voice answered immediately. [color=D8CCBA]“Oh well, that is easy enough.”[/color] Ihomakwoi began to slow as Ohannakeloi continued, [color=D8CCBA]“Although I can guess, may I have a name to go along with the demands?”[/color] For some time there was no answer, and then Ohannakeloi would become aware of a godly presence, rising from below. [color=orange]”Kalmar,”[/color] the God of the Hunt said, suddenly coming into view in front of the God of Stone himself. [color=D8CCBA]“Hello Kalmar, it is good to see you again, and excellent to have a proper opportunity to converse. I heard that you had this land Kalgrun as a dominion of yours, it has a remarkable degree of diversity of life in a relatively small area with few barriers. I would assume that the one that has been following me, which is obviously of your essence, is one of your creations, a servant or guard perhaps?”[/color] Kalmar nodded. [color=orange]”A guard is exactly what it is. Its task is to notify me of strange occurrences or potential threats, and stop them if it is able. Tell me: what brings you here?”[/color] [color=D8CCBA]“A survey, to be precise, I am looking for such life or other things such as ideas I might bring back to Atokhekwoi to further enrich those lands with the wise and great creations of our fellow Divine beings.”[/color] Ohannakeloi snapped his claws before continuing. [color=D8CCBA]“How are you doing? I have not seen you since the Architect’s Palace and we took no chance to talk then.”[/color] [color=orange]”I am well,”[/color] Kalmar said with a nod. [color=orange]”I raised this land from the sea long ago, and have been tending to it since. What sort of ideas are you looking for?”[/color] Ohannakeloi waved his claw as he responded, [color=D8CCBA]“Oh nothing in particular, just seeing what others have done and if such actions or plans could be of benefit to me and my creations. What have you been up to? I have heard a little from our fellows but not in great detail about your land here, it does seem you have developed it quite nicely.”[/color] [color=orange]”Most of the plantlife was created by some other god,”[/color] Kalmar revealed, [color=orange]”I do not know who. As to what I have been up to, I spent much of my time building up connections and alliances against the more destructive gods out there. And recently I worked with some others to create a species of intelligent mortals,”[/color] he waved a hand to indicate the small shapes on the ground, who stared up at the stone fortress with mixtures of wonder, curiosity, and fear. [color=D8CCBA]“That is good, another mortal race of soft skinned bipeds it seems, common enough among the gods that it seems to be fairly popular in the creations. You can see Solun here,”[/color] Ohannakeloi gestured to Solun standing a little ways away from the deities, [color=D8CCBA]“is of the Nebulite race. A design of Orvus as you can probably tell, I helped him make them as it seemed awfully important to him and I have my uses for them. What do you call these ones?”[/color] Ohannakeloi continued to peer down at the figures below. [color=orange]”The Vallamir,”[/color] Kalmar said, his mouth shifting into a frown as he studied Solun. [color=orange]”What can you tell me of Orvus? I keep hearing conflicting accounts: some say he changed, but only recently I heard he tried to decay the souls in Azura’s vault.”[/color] [color=D8CCBA]“A decent enough name for them.”[/color] Ohannakeloi turned to Kalmar once more. [color=D8CCBA]“As for Orvus, changed I cannot say, I did not truly know him before. I had heard some whispers of danger but he seems mostly content to live with the Nebulites, particularly a little family he has down south. In any case, I would doubt he would do much trouble now should everything remain fairly fine down there. It is troubling to hear of such things of that Soul vault, do you know if the attempt did much damage to the souls there?”[/color] Kalmar shook his head. [color=orange]”Azura only allowed me limited access. Still, he made the attempt, and he once told me himself that he intended to decay all the souls in existence. People keep telling me he changed, but this recent act cannot be ignored - it could just be that he has become more subtle.”[/color] [color=D8CCBA]“It truly does not sound like the being I have met but perhaps it is so, I cannot say myself, I cannot even verify that such events have occurred. I would doubt he plans much the same given to decay all souls would include his wife and children. However it may be, I do not have reason to act at this time. Did you have many plans for these Vallamir? From what I’ve seen of your Kalgrun I am not so sure they are greatly adapted to survival here.”[/color] [color=orange]”They will survive here,”[/color] Kalmar said with a nod. [color=orange]”Why do you ask?”[/color] [color=D8CCBA]“Well, I may have a use for some of them if it wasn’t too inconveniencing your own self. I figure a deal of them may want what I could offer in transport to other lands or service in proper exchange for care among such things.”[/color] Ohannakeloi snapped his claws in emphasis. Kalmar looked back down at his creations, and then nodded slowly. [color=orange]”Some can go with you, yes, but only if they are willing.”[/color] [color=D8CCBA]“I feel I will be able to find a good number willing enough, perfectly fine by me and I don’t think I would want the unwilling in any case.”[/color] Ohannakeloi lowered his claws to the ground as he continued, [color=D8CCBA]“Would you care to stay for a little while? I expect finding and speaking to these Vallamir will not be an especially short task so there is plenty of time if you wish to rest a while.”[/color] Again, Kalmar nodded, floating forward then down to land next to Ohannakeloi. His eyes quickly scanned the crab’s body. [color=orange]”A unique form,”[/color] he noted. [color=orange]”Sturdy, strong, and stable, but it’s harder to carry things, isn’t it?”[/color] [color=D8CCBA]“Perhaps it would be, but I scarcely need to use my claws to carry things as we are gods. If I need to carry it better I use my own ability and not mishape my form to accommodate such a need. Will you have wine? I received some as a gift and have it in a great quantity.”[/color] Kalmar raised an eyebrow. [color=orange]”I will,”[/color] he said after a moment. [color=orange]”You received it from Shengshi, I assume?”[/color] [color=D8CCBA]“Yes I did.”[/color] Ohannakeloi turned to Solun, [color=D8CCBA]“If you could have some of the others bring one of the pots to the open court, I can handle the rest. Oh and go prepare a number of simple things to eat from the kitchens, shouldn’t want any that may join us to go hungry.”[/color] “Yes Divine Ohannakeloi.” Solun turned and bowed to Kalmar, “Divine Kalmar.” Solun turned and began heading down into the tower. [color=orange]”Your meeting with Shengshi - how did it go?”[/color] Kalmar questioned. [color=D8CCBA]“It went beyond well, he was a most equitable host. He did speak somewhat honestly about the relationship between the both of you, of which I am sure you are plainly aware. I will say he did not try to dissuade me from visiting your land here, he has his distastes but he was most fair in his speech.”[/color] As he spoke the keep began to move slowly once more, currently down closer to the group of Vallamir below. [color=orange]”Hmph, I can’t honestly say that I understand him,”[/color] Kalmar said. [color=orange]”I came to help him against a threat, but due to a perceived insult he threatened to kill my creations and broke an agreement. That isn’t what you came to talk about, though, so…”[/color] he shifted his gaze down to the moving figures below. [color=orange]”I created the Vallamir recently. You might have heard it - it was loud. I did so with the aid of Roog - a lesser god created by Katharsos and I - as well as Arae and Li’Kalla. I don’t know how much you know about what happened to Li’Kalla, but it seems she has recovered from it - at the cost of much of her memory.”[/color] [color=D8CCBA]“On Li’Kalla I know very little, I was told that she was a sweet girl but that something had happened, didn’t inquire too deeply at the time. I am glad to know she has made a recovery although the memory is of course a shame. I should quite like to meet this Roog, always good to meet new people, in more than one meaning for new I should suppose.”[/color] Ohannakeloi paused as the keep stopped above the ground a fairly short distance away from the Vallamir group on the ground. [color=D8CCBA]“If you would excuse me a moment.”[/color] Ohannakeloi lept from the walls of the high tower down to the surface of Galbar below, he caught himself with a small pillar of stone that he stood upon in front of the group of Vallamir. [color=D8CCBA]“Vallamir of Kalgrun, I, Ohannakeloi God of Stone, have come to offer you deal. I offer a living space, food, my protection, and a chance to live in other lands, in exchange for your simple worship. Should you refuse no harm shall come to you besides that which would naturally befall you. What do you say, will you come along with me?”[/color] Unfortunately, most of them were already fleeing, clearly terrified at the sudden appearance of a stone pillar and an unknown creature. Some had left before Ohannakeloi had even begun speaking. They scattered in all directions, trying to put as much distance between them and the crab as possible. Still, a few remained, at first frozen in fear, and then began to fall to their knees or bow. Still, none spoke. [color=orange]”That could have gone better,”[/color] Kalmar remarked as he floated down next to Ohannakeloi. [color=orange]”Vallamir, I am Kalmar: God of the Hunt, and your creator. Ohannakeloi does not intend you harm. The offer is a simple one: follow him, or remain here.”[/color] The ‘Mir exchanged glances with one another, and whispered amongst themselves, until one stood up. “I will go,” he said, and three more rose along with him, nodding their agreement. [color=D8CCBA]“Excellent!”[/color] Ohannakeloi climbed onto the side of the pillar as it fell towards the keep, the stone grew becoming a ramp up. [color=D8CCBA]“You can follow it up into the keep, there will be others different from you who will give you food and show you where you can stay and sleep or any other thing you may like.”[/color] Ohannakeloi took his own ramp up, claiming a pot of wine from a few Nebulites and ascending along the side of his tower as others waited for the Vallamir. As the Vallamir ascended the ramp, Kalmar followed Ohannakeloi. [color=orange]”Is that enough, or do you intend to ask more?”[/color] [color=D8CCBA]“Far more in all likelihood, I may need to adjust my approach somewhat.”[/color] Ohannakeloi set down the pot on top of the tower, opening it and creating two stone cups, one handed to Kalmar. [color=D8CCBA]“A drink before we set off to another location?”[/color] Kalmar nodded, accepted the cup, and drank. [hr] It did not take long to amass a great number of the Vallamir, the mobility of the keep, and the refinement that came with many many attempts and pitches soon increased the number of each group that wished to join the population of the keep. The abilities of Ohannakeloi and the insight that came from having one of the creator gods around allowed for a good deal of successful pitches, although not all were. Soon the Vallamir outnumbered the Nebulites, not by much a hundred or two more in number, Ohannakeloi turned to Kalmar as the last Vallamir stepped onto the keep from a stone ramp. [color=D8CCBA]“I believe that may be quite enough for me, a great deal more and I might have trouble housing them without a good deal of inconvenience.”[/color] Kalmar nodded. [color=orange]”Is that all you wish to discuss?”[/color] [color=D8CCBA]“No actually there is one more thing I wanted to bring up.”[/color] Ohannakeloi paused, collecting his thoughts. [color=D8CCBA]“Do you know of any creatures of your land that might have some good properties or abilities that could be used well to some mortal benefit?”[/color] [color=orange]”Shouldn’t these creatures use their abilities to their own benefit?”[/color] Kalmar questioned. [color=D8CCBA]“Well of course that goes without saying, however every creature tries to use others to their own benefit, if it was otherwise then no being would try to eat another. I was curious for any creatures that may have some exceptional abilities or attributes that could be used from them, I did mention my desire to enrich Atokhekwoi before.”[/color] Kalmar took a moment to think. [color=orange]”The griffins and direwolves here are large enough for a Vallamir to ride,”[/color] he suggested. [color=orange]”But getting the creatures to obey will be difficult. Let’s see… Phystene also created large beasts called vitasaurs - they have an aura with repairs plants and quickens their growth, but you’ll need something bigger to take them with you. Other than that, no. Taking too many creatures might upset the balance I have here.”[/color] Ohannakeloi replied, [color=D8CCBA]“Griffins and direwolves, could make some use of them at a later point, perhaps a derivation to make them more agreeable for that purpose. I am most interested in these vitasaurs, I shall have to come back for a breeding number at some point when I can better accommodate them. Well I don’t think I shall take any at this time but I shall keep it in mind. I think I may spend some more time back on Atokhekwoi before continuing my survey of the continents.”[/color] [color=orange]”Very well then. I suppose we’ll meet again?”[/color] [color=D8CCBA]“Indeed I think we will, at least I hope we do. Farewell Brother.”[/color] [hider=MP Summary]None spent.[/hider] [hider=Summary]We open on Ohannakeloi with Solun, a Nebulite, they talk some as they are over Kalgrun. Shynir the Griffin approaches and circles the keep but does not respond to Ohannakeloi. The Keep continues until they reach the plains of Kalgrun whereupon Kalmar shows up demands the Keep stops and it does. Kalmar questions Ohannakeloi for a bit and Ohannakeloi is happy to answer, asks a few questions of his own. Ohannakeloi becomes interested in the Vallamir and with Kalmar’s help, and a promise to only take the willing, takes up a little more than a thousand of them. Kalmar and Ohannakeloi have been drinking some wine gifted from Shengshi, they part equitably after Ohannakeloi asks about some of the notable life of Kalgrun. Ohannakeloi intends to head back to Atokhekwoi for now and continue his survey of the continents at a later date.[/hider]