Here's my character. If there are any questions or concerns pleace let me know :) [hider=Kaya]Name: Kaya Gheine Age: 14 Gender: Female Race: Human Class: Bard/Spy What do you want to be when you grow up? Kaya wants nothing more than to leave this dusty and desolate village. She craves for adventure, excitement and the possibility to meet new people to listen to her songs. Kaya has a great interest in politics, diplomacy and the genuine power of words. Her sharp mind loves to engage in high level conversations and she often understands far more from the world then people of her age do. She enjoys being seen yet keeping her true intent hidden. Kaya enjoys to manipulate people and butt her nose into affairs that are none of her concern. Kaya has learned that being a talented musician opens many doors. Wealthy merchants just let her in to listen to the songs she plays on her flute or hear her sing. Combine this with her innocent child face and nobody suspects her when a few coins are missing. Bio: Kaya was born in the village 14 years ago as an only child. Her parents own a small farm at the outskirts of town where the family is living happily ever since enjoying the quiet village life of working the fields and reaping the harvest. Kaya would start helping out on the farm from a young age. From the first moment she helped out on the farm she instantly knew that this was not the life she was looking for. Her passions was something else, music. From the day Kaya was born her mother would play a lullaby on the flute or sing her a song before going to bed. One night Kaya’s mother forgot to take the flute with her and the young girl could not resist this opportunity to explore what she could do with the instrument. Within moments she had learned how to play most notes and was able to play the same songs her mother would play for her. Attracted to the melodies Kaya was playing her parents would closely listen by the door. Nobody could deny that this young girl had a talent for music. A couple of year later her father brought Kaya with him to a meeting of the village elders. They were discussing politics and preparations for the winter season. For hours she would listen intrigued to what the men were discussing. Frequently her father would ask his little girl if she wasn’t bored by all this grown up talk but Kaya simply replied that she found the conversations very intriguing. On the way back she would recite what the men discussed and give her opinion on the subjects and people. She told her father to watch out for farmer John. He was only interested in acquiring more land for his own farm. Especially the land of her father. Kaya’s father knew she was right dispite the fact that farmer John never had mentioned directly. Kaya had deduced it simply by listening and observing how the man spoke. The next evening a stranger banged on the door looking for a place to spend the night. The male half-elf was soaking wet from the rain and looked like he had been walking for weeks. The man did not carry much except for a lute. He introduced himself as Aeden Mirrets a vagabond and traveling musician. He would over the family his music and stories in exchange for a meal and a place to sleep for the night. Kaya simply replied that there was no need for a musician since she’s playing the flute. Intrigued by this answer Aeden asked if she would play a little for him. As he listened to the young girl play he noticed her talent and quickly started to play along. The Half-Elf and the young human girl played for the entire night. By dawn Aeden approached Kaya’s parents with an offer. Let me stay on the farm and I’ll teach your daughter my trade. Under the tutorage of Aeden, Kaya developed not only her musical skills but also learned the craft of speaking, listening and observing. Aeden would tell Kaya the stories of his travels to vast human cities and great Elven cultures. The Half-Elf would talk about his encounters with mighty Orc chiefs and how he played for a Dwarfen king. Over the course of 3 years, Kaya learned about the history of fearun, how to speak, read and write Elfish and developed her social skills. Persons of interest in the village: 1. Karl Gheine, Kaya’s father 2. Samantha Gheine, Kaya’s mother 3. Aeden Mirrets, Kaya’s mentor Equipment: 1. Her mother’s flute 2. The book of songs and poems. It’s an old book given to apprentice bards 3. A small dagger 4. A hairbrush Class skills: 1. Bardic song – lullaby. A song that has the power to put those who listen to it to sleep. 2. Bardic song - The song of fascination. A song so intense that it has the power to capture the minds and attention of its listeners completely making them unaware of their surroundings. 3. Sense motive – Kaya is able to tell if other people have ulterior motives when in conversation with her. She can tell this from observing the body language and how words are spoken. 4. Speak language. Elfish. Kaya can fluently speak, read and write the language of the Elves. Villager skills 1. Perform flute and sing. Kaya is a very talented musician with a great singing voice. Her mother though her how to play flute and how to sing. Also she can read sheet music. 2. Advanced social skills. Kaya has a great intuition when it comes to interacting with other people. She often can sense how people would like to be approached, what they would like to hear and this enable her to get people on her friendly side or manipulate them into doing things. 3. Photographic memory. Kaya never forgets anything. She can recall conversations she had with other people word for word even when they were done years back. 4. Great attention to detail. When Kaya focusses on a certain person or place she can spot a wide variety of details that others would simply miss. 5. She can cook and prepare food. Has a decent knowledge of which plants are eatable.[/hider]