Name of Nation:Equestrian Empire Summary of events after thread was moved:The Equestrian Empire was one of the first to suffer major losses during the Draconian War. The first invasion of the Draconian world resulted in the death of Princess Luna, one of the heads of state of the Equestrian Empire. However unlike the destruction of Earth for the EA it only strengthened the resolve of the Equestrians to put a end to the Draconians once and for all. They threw everything they could at the Draconians, often developing new weapons and using there own technology to defeat them. With the destruction of the Aetherii the Triarians came and began helping the Equestrians and EA fight the Draconians. It was at that point that the EA, Equestrians, and Triarians would become the victors of The Great Draconian War, as it had been referred to by many who had seen the destruction it had been causing to the Milky Way Galaxy. Towards the end of the war the Equestrians furthered there expansions into other galaxies, and by its end the Equestrians were using the Draconians technology to bring there galaxies and the Milky Way into a New Golden age, hoping for peace and prosperity in the future. Note to newbies:Equestrians is used to refer to anyone who is apart of the Equestrian Empire, the empire it self consists of multiple races.