Kalin spun in his place and glared at Shiro and then said " I dont give a damn if you a god or the son of one of the horsemen Ven was by far stronger than any of you could hope to be. he was the around at the dawn of time he fought to bring this world into the light. he was the only one who had a chance against the old gods the ones no one ever talks about. your gods are nothing compared to what the old gods were. these god would have looked at you and you would have never existed that is the power they held but Ven found a way to get around this and he killed each of the old gods. You think you are the strongest thing in any universe well let me tell you one thing. SHADOW KILLED VEN THE STRONGEST BEING TO EVER HAVE BEEN MY FRIEND. YOU ARE BUT AN INSECT COMPARED TO HIM" kalin started to cry thinking of how ven had been killed and then he ran out of the church dropping the disk he had been holding in his hand. as the disk hit the ground the image of a pure dragon in his human form was displayed. the bing spoke in a kind soothing voice. " Shadow... I know where he came from but not why he is here that is what i hope to learn when i meet him but i doubt this meeting will go over well. if this is the last time i get to say this then let it hold true to you Kalin. You are no fool but you have very little hope against shadow alone. good luck if i don't see you again in this life." the disk image faded and then the disk it self crack.