[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/q5Qsp31.png[/img] [hider=Resources] 🌀 [color=7e9ebc][u][b]Time[/b][/u][/color] 💎 Early morning/Late night. 🌀 [color=7e9ebc][u][b]Location[/b][/u][/color] 💎 Wilderness. 💎 Close to Roshmi. 💎 Close to The Sun Elf Kingdom. 🌀 [color=7e9ebc][u][b]Interactions[/b][/u][/color] 💎 [@Helo]. 🌀 [color=7e9ebc][u][b]Ambience[/b][/u][/color] 💎 [url=https://youtu.be/kyTU6-L3cVQ]"And then, we were three."[/url] [/hider][/center] Ask, and you shall receive. It was a saying Inori had come across, before. Where silence had previously lingered across a still, barely moving forest, a piercing 'Hello' cut both Inori and Korvash out of their relaxed state. With a large, brutish hand falling to the hilt of an adequately sized sword, Korvash jolted to his feet with the grace of a bull. Inori, in contrast, gently floated to his feet, the comfortable and refined shoes he wore quietly padding onto branches and leaves beneath. Where a spear had previously acted as little more than a chair, in the pursuit of comfort, the manifestation soon vanished. Rather, another collection of magical creations formed themselves into existence. Three spears glimmered beyond Inori's shape, each one gently floating in place, awaiting the order for an aggressive launch, as if arrows knocked onto a bow. With starlit energy snaking its way across the demon's slender, clawed fingers, Inori squinted into the forest. Indeed, he was a creature of darkness, but his ability to see through such blackness was lacking. He was, after all, neither a cat, nor a vampire. "Oy'!" Korvash shouted, swinging his large blade in an arc, the edge cutting through air with heavy motions. "Getchurself' out ere'!" Came another exclamation from the beast. [color=7e9ebc]"Now, now, Korvash,"[/color] Inori spoke, his melodic, dainty tone a perfect contrast. [color=7e9ebc]"It's just a cat,"[/color] the demon continued. He lowered his hand, where magically manifested weapons hovering at his side vanished in turn, as if azure sand in the wind. [color=7e9ebc]"Not a gnoll,"[/color] he finished, a row of sharp teeth making themselves known through the demon boy's grin. "Ugh," Korvash groaned, hulking closer to his partner, before sheathing his sword. For him, as well, the cat was now visible through shrubbery and tree shafts. "Why!?" The orc asked, louder than he first intended. "Could be a spy for em' hyenuss'!" Raising a brow at the brute, Inori managed a soft sigh, before his attention shifted towards their newly approaching guest. [color=7e9ebc]"Oh, yes,"[/color] the demon chuckled, [color=7e9ebc]"gnolls leaning towards the eyes of a cat. How the world has changed..,"[/color] Inori smirked, a joke escaping his snout, accompanied by a quiet chuckle. [color=7e9ebc]"What will come next? Elves of the sun, serving golden wine to orcs?"[/color] "Y'joke, Inori! But I'dun' trust'm!" Korvash barked, pointing into the forest where he saw the intruder. A cat, indeed, or rather, a demi-human. Someone combined with the grace of a feline, with fur stretching along a toned body. Upon his back, he wore a halberd, undoubtedly heavy and unwieldy for someone like Inori. However, even Korvash the orc would have to concede to a simple fact. This creature did not appear to mean them harm. "Whut's yr'name!?" Korvash continued, his dark eyes fixed on the new arrival. [color=7e9ebc]"Come, sit, have some jerky,"[/color] Inori pitched in, once more conjuring forth his chair in the shape of a floating spear. [color=7e9ebc]"Rest your weary paws, eh?"[/color] Shark-like teeth presented themselves in the demonic boy's lingering grin. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/TxnwGck.png[/img][/center]