'There!' Kamina yelled in his mind. Looking straight ahead, he saw an Eevee staring right at him. His eyes looked into hers and he saw a kindred spirit, someone who like him, started from nothing, yet aspired to greatness. One who was plagued by the trauma of her past, something that still haunted her and would continue to until she managed to evolve not her body, but her heart and soul ...Or he could have just been crazy...that's a possibility. "You!" he declared, looking at the Eevee. Splashing over to her, he continued "through your eyes, I have seen your very soul. It is one that speaks to me! It speaks to me of nightmares of that past that haunt you, that control you even now. For me to meet someone who is so much like I once was...[b]clearly this is fate[/b]! I have made up my mind; I shall join you in what ever quest you are on. I know in my heart, that there will come a day when you'll be able to look back on the you of today and marvel at how strong your spirit has grown. [b]I shall fan the tiny ember inside you with my own burning soul[/b]! And someday, you two shall posses the strength of will that I posses. Greatness awaits, all you have to do is grab it!!!!!!"