Aaron lowered Kat from his grip, but he grabbed her shoulder and drove his dagger into her shoulder. She let out a cry of pain before being kicked into Hal. She winced nearly collapsing right against him as she did. "There was poison on the dagger, so if you don't want her to die I strongly suggest you behave yourself. It'll take but a few hours to kill her with that." He grinned. The dagger was still in her shoulder as he felt Kat shivering in pain against him before she slid to her knees. "You'll help her walk, don't worry my men aren't far from here." He laughed and motioned for them to start moving. He wasn't a very patient man at all. Kat pulled the dagger from her shoulder, tossing it away. Already her shirt was soaked with blood. If the poison didn't kill her bleeding out might soon enough. Already she could feel a fever coming as the poison coursed through her blood. She leaned heavily on Hal as they were forced to walk along. The world was starting to blur and every step became more and more agonizing. She pressed her face against Hals chest until finally her legs gave. But they weren't far from the camp. Men approached them, all of them with the same crest. They took Kat from Hal, who was too weak to even resist. She just muttered something under her breath. Hal wasn't far behind, sword ready they forced him to a cell as well. They searched him for any weapons before he was tossed into the same little cell that Kat was in. They hadn't given her an antidote yet, and even that short hour of walk had really put her into a bad place. She was leaned against the bars, with her head turned and blood slipped from between her lips. She coughed weakly, her eyes closed. Once they were both firmly locked in the cell a small vial was passed through to Hal, the yellow liquid inside didn't look like it would be fun to take. Kat didn't even move to react to it, she probably wasn't even aware of it. "You're in for a long night," the guard who gave him the antidote whispered. He seemed to be an alchemist of sorts but he didn't linger any longer to tell him more.