[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/Q8bz2n5/027-E0172-BB54-4563-87-BC-435-A02-DCA37-D.jpg[/img][/center] [i]”Hello, hello?... Is anyone there? Can anyone here me?”[/i] [color=0072bc]”Give it a rest. Nobody’s there. Me and you are the only ones left. So cut that thing off.”[/color] “Look, there’s others out there. I know it, I’ve seen them on the monitors.” [color=0072bc]”What, like half an hour ago? They’re probably dead by now.”[/color] [u][url=https://i.ibb.co/6RZM8zj/74-A50861-0-C2-B-482-D-B473-B0-B9123-BD56-B.jpg]Mike Davis[/url][/u] and [u][url= https://i.ibb.co/2dr7sF5/10-D1-BBEA-3-E1-C-40-E2-AB6-A-1-E789876-DB8-A.jpg]Carter Perkins[/url][/u] stood together in the security control room. Mike had first barricaded himself here during the initial outbreak. Ever since this madness had overtaken the resort hotel. He had since been operating the security cameras and intercom systems, attempting to guide anyone he may see on the monitors to safety. This hadn’t proven too fruitful though so far. Many places in the hotel were short on power, and others suffered total outages. And many people that Mike would see on the monitors couldn’t seem to hear him, or would be overtaken before reaching safety. From what he could see, these... [i]things[/i] seemed to have completely overrun the hotel. Mike recognized many of them, coworkers, friends, acquaintances, all overcome with this murderous madness that had infected most of those in the resort. He sat there now in front of the monitors, eyes gliding across the screens, scanning for signs of live and survival. [color=0072bc]”Your wasting time, we should be focused on getting a car and getting the fuck out of here.”[/color] Carter suddenly blurted our from behind Mike. Mike scowled as he kept his eyes on the screens. Carter had shown up just short of an hour ago, and Mike already hated the prick. Mike had been rebooting the system when Carter came banging on the security room door, yelling for Mike to let him in. His shirt was specked in blood and he carried a bloody crowbar as Mike had let him in, which Mike was labeling as his first mistake of the day. Since showing up, Carter had been badgering Mike and belittling his efforts at rescuing or aiding others. Carter so far had proven to be nothing but a pain in Mike’s proverbial ass. “I’m not giving up,” Mike said over his shoulder to Carter,”just give it another thirty minutes.” [color=0072bc]”That’s thirty more minutes for a gang of those things to come pounding the door down. C’mon man let’s get out of here!”[/color] “Shut up!” ” Mike snapped and turned back to the monitor. Carter cursed and kicked over and nearby chair as Mike leaned in to the microphone,”Hello? Anyone? If anyone can hear me, please, make your way to the security control room. It’s safe here! Don’t bother with the elevators, they’re all out. Look foor fire escapes and the stairwells. Use the stairs or fire exits to make your way to the basement! The [i]basement[/i]! If anyone’s there, come to the security control room...”