Oh right forgot to post [Hider] [Center] [img]https://s1.zerochan.net/Lezard.Valeth.600.944947.jpg[/img] [/Center] Name: William Age: 22 Gender: male Personality: Always smiling, day or night, good or bad. William is commonly taken light heartedly due to his seemingly clumsy nature and light hearted way of taking things, but he is always smiling and sometimes it seems there's something else beyond the smile. Backstory: "I ran away from my academy" If asked about his origin this is the most one will get out of the smiling mage, some have pierced some information together over time from remarks William has made, some notes have been written down on his past; Is a noble borne from the empire Was at his 'academy' most his life Holds a grudge towards the empire? Ran away just before his graduation As its been laid out so far no one knows much of before he chose to take up arms, maybe he doesn't know himself, but William does remind himself deep down why he chose the path he did. For William this path is the only way to save the Empire from ruin, for being born into failing nobility he got to lay witness to the foul play of the aristocrats that hide behind the throne at a very young age. His life felt like a blur for many years, from being sold by his family to take part in a military scheme to develop strong loyal soldiers, loyal to who though would probably be a good question. After being sold off though, the boy was found to have an aptitude in magic, making him perfect to enroll in a strict magic academy that was quite bent on pushing and overworking kids to truly develop their magical abilities and force them into submission in the process. Years William spent at the academy, studying, fighting, dreaming. Dreaming of the day he would escape, for the boy who was nearly a man at the time had never given in no matter the punishment. Planning for it took years, but it was accomplished, alone for William could not trust others. With that William spent a few years on the run until he somehow ended back on the side of the empire, luckily due to the shadowy dealings behind his past if he was recognized its not like it could be acted on in public Class: Pupil Affinity: elemental Inventory: Abilities: Spells/Weapon Arts: fire, wind, thunder Stats (All stats start at E rank. You may choose 3 stats to start at D rank, and 2 to start at C rank) END: C STR: D MAG: C DEX: D SPD: D DEF: E RES: E LCK: E Talents: Black Magic Experience: Support: [/hider]