[center][hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=F5DEB3]Tartarean Strands: Chapter 1[/color][/i][/b][/h1][hr][b][i][color=F5DEB3]Date:[/color][/i][/b] D-Day of the Collide[hr][/center][hr] What happens when worlds collide? So many have hypothesized over the centuries. Wondering if one world would be able to take over another, would they both find their demise? What would happen if time merged? Others have postulated but still no one exactly knows. Can the world itself handle when all the pages fold together into one? Or does everything shift into a place where time really has no meaning. It is said that time is relative and it seems that is true. Every thing cannot exist at once but perhaps a space, somewhere, beyond, can allow temporary housing for the times? For the time? No matter what one might think, one thing is for certain, something has happened and it if affecting more than just a single place in a single time and it is causing havoc for all. Where did they all go? We don't know. All we can do is follow the ones that are here but how long will they remain? Or will they fade away like so many others? I guess only time will tell. [center][hr][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/15/b3/ed/15b3ed3dc7b2a3c644af8bd07d0edf70.gif[/img][hr][b][color=F5DEB3]DttS Fade Between[/color][/b][hr][/center] A shot fired, a city appearing, the world giving away to a time elsewhere, or was it a time before. What questions are there? Oh so many. That means many remain. Where did we leave off? Oh yes, somewhere in Egypt. Sometime, times? There was a boat, a deck, looking out over the Nile, towards a city that wasn't there just moments ago but faded into view. It looked familiar to one or two, at least if one was to compare it to a description they had read about before. They hadn't actually seen it with their own eyes. No one had, not in several millennia. It was nothing more than a legend, wasn't it? Perhaps not, because they had seen it. But now it was gone. Everything was gone. Everyone but them. Just two of them for now. One marked, one nearly marked by death if the bullet hadn't faded away like the man that had pulled the trigger. Whatever plans they had to seek help, or equipment, or even another breathing person was cut short as the world faded more. The colors of Egypt in the fall, the sands and grass and waters and ship were gone. Everything was shades of gray and black. A haze rising up, not like the haze before that seemed to disrupt their vision. This was more of a fog, like a dank English summer that rolled by and cut through the landscape like pea soup. Thick and sticky. It rose up in pillars from the ground and towards a black sky. Was the sky black? One couldn't tell. That same fog that seemed to roll over the ground rolled across the sky. Everything was still and it seemed so silent. Too silent. Save for a few crackles. Was that a fire? Perhaps. There was a light. Several of them. Burning from something in the distance. And then the fog rolled in such a way to reveal what it was. It was torches burning within what looked to be iron cages. A jutting of black rock coming from the ground and someone standing there. Wait, where your eyes playing tricks on you? No, the fuzziness you were seeing it gone and you can see the details of the bones with perfect clarity. A skeleton, standing there, in worn robes, unmoving, a scythe in a hand. Like it had been set there as a warning? The robes were worn or were they? Or was that bandages? Like a mummy that had been unwrapped partially? It shouldn't be able to stand like that should it? No, bones should call to the ground when not being held together by flesh and skin. It shouldn't be standing there... [hr][hr][center][h3][b][i][color=0072bc]Evelina Lucas[/color][/i][/b][/h3][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/76f4efe8de8e35d48000a729db6f8231/tumblr_na0zh20hiD1qeijvdo1_250.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b][color=0072bc]Location:[/color][/b] The In-Between: Shores of The River -> Evelina's Cave [b][color=0072bc]Skills:[/color][/b] Sword[/center][hr] Grunting, Evelina pulled and drug back on Faith. Repeating for her to wake up and fight. It seemed that the woman was listening. This was good. Evelina let go of Faiths waist as she came to and started to fight for herself. Pointing to the shore as she kept swinging at the dark hands that were coming out of the water for Faith and now Evelina. Where the hands coming from under the water or where they the water itself? It didn't matter. They seemed intent on getting a hold of both women and dragging them below the surface. Slowly, Evelina stepped backwards, swinging her sword down and left, bringing it back up, then swinging it down and right. Cutting through the water. It didn't seem to damage the hands coming for her but it did seem to cause them to retreat, even if only for a moment. A moment was all they needed. this obviously wasn't a fight to the death, just a fight to keep from dying. Better to retreat and fight another day. Or another year. Traipsing onto the shores of the river and then fully out of the water, Evelina took a few deep breaths and wiped the back of her hand beneath her nose. Her eyes out over the river. The place looked desolate. Nothing but browns and grays and shades of black around them. The land was dry, with jagged rocks and cliffs and plains around them that were barren. The river itself was black and settled down quickly until it looked like a sheet of still black silk. The sky was just gray, like over cast on a dreary winter day but the air was moderate. It didn't seem warm nor cold but felt both at the same time. Coughing slightly, Evelina slipped her sword back through a loop that hung just below her bodice and in an essence [i]sheathed[/i] it. It was only once the water had finally settled she risked looked over towards Faith. Evelina's eyes went over Faith, her brow quirking as she saw what the woman was wearing and more so that she was carrying some soft of carpetbag. [color=0072bc]"Yeah, well don't expect me to buy whatever the hell it is you are selling in there. I don't need a set of encyclopedias,"[/color] she said with a slight smirk on her lips. Turning she looked back from where she had initially run from. [color=0072bc]"Come on, we need to get out from the open. It isn't safe,"[/color] she said as she started trudging towards one of the cliffs that shot out from the ground. It was hard to tell but as they got closer it was clear that there was a cave there. Inside there was a small fire burning and what looked like where Evelina had been camped out. There were markings on the wall, carved into the stone. Single lines that counted up to four before being crossed out. Hundreds of them lined the walls. Sitting down, Evelina pulled her boots off and dumped out the water in them. [color=0072bc]"Glad to see you still have fight in you, the souls are unforgiving when it comes to one invading their territory."[/color] [hr][hr][center][h3][b][i][color=82ca9d]Kyra Altham[/color][/i][/b][/h3][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/69/b3/74/69b374da03a8ad5ff43f553a42430036.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b][color=82ca9d]Location:[/color][/b] DtB Fade Between [b][color=82ca9d]Skills:[/color][/b] Alertness, Tracking[/center][hr] One foot in front of the other. Walking. It was something she did. There was no particular reason why. It wasn't like she had anywhere to go, or anything to do. Yet she did anyways. Roaming. Perhaps it would have been safer to just hunker down somewhere but there was no point. One could go mad just sitting and waiting. And just what were you waiting for? Nothing of consequence. It was the same thing, day after day, year after year, decade after decade. If such things even existed in this place. She had stopped counting so long ago it. It didn't matter. She had become rather apathetic during her stent in the In-Between. There was no one to lead here, no quest to complete, no payment at the end, no family to return to or search for. No, things in that world, in that time, had ended for her. Rather abruptly. It wasn't expected and it wasn't welcome but at least it was over. She had stopped missing the sun on her skin or the way the moon light reflected off the river long ago. At least she wasn't alone. It wasn't the same, he wasn't the same. Neither was she. They had to learn each other again. Over the years they had bonded. He, unlike others, did not try to rip her flesh from bone with his jaws. It had taken time but now, he was the closest thing she had to a friend and companion in this place. Not that she hadn't run into others, other she could speak with, but she didn't care to. She had him, he had her, they had each others backs, and he seemed to be willing to walk with her anywhere. The walking, it was what they did. Until they stopped. His ears perking, as her head snapped to one side. Looking down at him, her brow quirked. [color=82ca9d][i]"You feel that?"[/i][/color] she asked. Her lips didn't move but the large grey dire wolf standing by her bobbed his head. [color=82ca9d][i]"Follow it,"[/i][/color] she added. Jogging, at a moderate pace. Nothing strenuous but enough to pick up pace. Adjusting her bow that was strung across her chest as she did. Her long white hair flowing behind her. Stopping, looking at the air. It seemed to crackle and haze. Was that smoke? The smell of sulfur in the air? The canine growled slightly and she nodded before they kept moving. That was until something came into view. Or someone. No, not one someone. More than one someone. Several someone's. That made her stop, fully. The wolf stopping next to her. That was odd. She had seen people before but they didn't look like this. These were different. They seemed to fade into existence from nothing. The woman had stopped around twenty feet from the new comers, her head tilting to the side slowly with a blank expression on her features. Her eyes traveled from one to the next, stopping at the Mexican. She looked down at the wolf and nodded before looking back at the weathered angry looking Mexican. [color=82ca9d]"He says you smell like a pugilist."[/color]