This is the coding for it by the way as I've retrieved. Place it at the very bottom of your post. The first part is placed at the top. I'll indicate which is which. Just change the stuff within. It is a really good format, so I may also use it for character posts. It works for me since I plan on using mugshots. I'll need to make sure I use a standardized size. [quote]Place this at the very top[/quote] [code] [table][row][i][b][color=]Name[/color][/b] Title[/i][/row][cell] [/cell][/code] [quote]Place this at the very bottom[/quote] [code][cell][img][/img] [center]_________________________ Status: [color=lawngreen]Alive & Well[/color] [/center][u]Class[/u]: Squire [u]Inventory[/u]:[list] [*]Iron Bow [*]Vulnerary[/list][/cell][/table][/code] I'm still figuring out it's particulars but yeah. It seems finnicky.