[center][img]https://neurogadget.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/umbreon-1.jpg[/img][/center] [center](Pokémon Go: Best 2nd Gen Pokémon Expectations - Neurogadget neurogadget.net)[/center] [center]pokemon slice of life-a world of pokemon to be made up as we see fit. the plot is as the name suggests. This is a pokemon world that is more slice of life. You can choose to compete in tournaments or simply collect pokemon. You can make friends or even fall in love. Whatever pokemon you can remember the name of, that can be your pokemon. There are rules to this world though. Certain legendary pokemon are forbidden, obviously. We need this world to be fair just like the real one. Any rule in the world of pokemon applies here. Anyway, you can start out as a beginner, or be an expert who has traveled for a long time. Also, you do not have to be a trainer. You can be a breeder, a pokemon sitter, etc. Any type of pokemon related job is possible here. What kind of pokemon do you have? Whatever ones you wish to have save for some. It is up to you. The rest is more generic. We can make it up as we go along. [/center]