"Thanks!" James said gratefully, taking the small plate and diving in as the discussion about the two children continued... oddly enough, they weren't quite so involved with it. As it turned out, Sasha seemed to be absolutely in love with stories - not simply reading, but creating them both visually and linguistically. James enjoyed reading as well, but not nearly to the extent that Sasha seemed to. He was always absorbed in his games or doing his homework; in all honesty, he was fairly average in most subjects except for math. His mathematical ability, however, was rather stunning, and consequently so were his strengths in their early level language classes. The two subjects were often in correlation as far as one's aptitude for learning them was concerned. "That's really cool," The boy replied enthusiastically. Amongst his small number of friends, none of them were very artistic. The topic turned to video games and James seemed slightly more excitable, "Yeah! I was actually playing it before we took up the football," He pointed out. "I love that game. It's so different from the old ones, my dad lets me play his on his old handhelds and it's so primitive," He spoke before being cut off. "Hey! I'm right here... They weren't [I]primitive[/I] - we all loved them when I was a kid," Peter butted in to defend himself. James rolled his eyes and subtly shook his head to Sasha, "But my favourite is Soulsilver out of the old ones. The new games are great, but my dad does have a point - the old generations of Pokemon have the more creative and original ideas for monsters, the new ones seem really weird in comparison, if you ever get a chance to play the older ones." It truly was amazing, though, how interactive the games had become since their beginnings. "I really like the end-of-the-world games that they've been selling too... Not Nintendo - I just mean that type of game..." The conversation took another shift and he shrugged, "I dunno. With school starting soon, I'd say in the next few days some time would be good." Hannah finally cut in cheerfully, "Well, we're not doing anything tomorrow. If you'd like, and Sasha wants to, she can help us clean up and we'll take her home with us, then give you a call tomorrow and take her back to your house. If another day works better, though, we can always just call later and talk about it," She suggested, leaning against her husband. "Of course, we've still got some time left in the potluck - it's supposed to go until early evening, anyway." James looked to the small girl brightly, "Yeah, tonight would be cool. I can show you my dad's old games and stuff; you've got your books with you too, so we have plenty to do," He chipped in, causing Matt to snicker more. However, the older brother didn't actually say anything much more embarrassing, making a comment about how cute they were.