[h2][center]Edge of Hutt Space[/center][/h2] Another barrage of turbolaser fire flew from the starboard side of the [i]Resurgence[/i], slamming into the crippled Imperial Star Destroyer and blowing a hole in it's port side. All across the fringes of both Hutt and Unknown space, the last vestiges of the Galactic Empire made a frantic last stand against a resurgent Republic Remnant and the New Republic that they've allied with. This particular battle was lead by the flagship of the Supreme Commander of the Republic Remnant himself and his flagship. Boarding parties had disabled the SD's hyperdrive and were making a push for the bridge as the [i]Resurgence[/i]'s cannons kept the ship autolocking down behind the party to prevent any of the Stormtroopers on board from reinforcing the bridge. "Fire again, aim closer to the-" Jason Erthos' sentence is cut short as an explosion rocks the [i]Kenobi[/i], reducing it's fighting capability but not doing enough damage to remove it from the fight. Shortly after, the Acclamator-Class ship responsible for the damage exploded in a brilliant show of lights. About the same time, the boarding parties reported that the bridge of the Star Destroyer had been taken. "Good work. You know the drill, bring the captain and fleet officers there for trial, then set the ship to self destruct." The last Acclamator exploded and soon smaller explosions lit up the stars as the ARC fights and V-Wings picked off the remaining TIE fighters. "Another victory. Your thoughts, Commander Hammer?" The red and white adorned clone glanced up from the holographic display and shrugged. "It went well, Supreme Commander. The Gravity Well worked as it was supposed to too, so that's one for R&D if you ask me." Nodding, Jason returned to his seat as the last of the L/AATs left the Star Destroyer and landed to off-load prisoners on the [i]Fisto[/i]. After which they returned to their berths on the [i]Resurgence[/i]. "Helm, take us to hyperspace and Hosnian Prime. Let's get the last of these traitors their due reward for stabbing the Republic in the back." A nod and the familiar lines of stars becoming blurs began to appear as hyperspace was jumped to. However, the [i]Resurgence[/i] was redirected by a flash of white light, to a destination unknown. [hr] When the flagship of the Republic Remnant's supreme commander exited hyperspace several hours later with their Arquitan-Class escort ships, it was not above Hosnian Prime, or even the Hosnian system. Nor was it a system that Jason immediately recognized from his time in the Clone Wars and their campaign against the Imperial Remnants. And before them lay several ships of unidentified design and appearance. "Helmsman, care to explain." The man at the helm of the ship was rapidly going through his readouts and screens, but frowned the whole time. "I wish I could, sir. The last entered coordinates were to Hosnian Prime and now...we're here." Jason frowned and Hammer approached the read out as he exited the lift. Bringing it up, he frowned behind his helmet. "Sir, it would seem we're still in our galaxy, but...I'm getting far more Imperial signatures than when we went into hyperspace. Something isn't right." Jason nodded in decision and turned to the communications officer. "Open an open hail." Waiting a moment after receiving an affirmative nod, he starts speaking. "Attention unidentified ships, this is Supreme Commander Jason Erthos of the Galactic Republic Remnant. It would seem the galaxy is not how we left it several hours ago, and we hope you might be able to answer some questions. Please respond on this channel."