[center][h2][color=#FF6E26]⸎[u]Okirigae Mosumi[/u]⸎[/color][/h2][img]https://i.imgur.com/UpJjkgN.png[/img][/center] [hr] [color=DarkGray] Watching as more people filled in, Taro stood next to her but remained silent. Though outwardly most would view their relationship as two people who weren't the best of friends, it was actually the opposite. At the beginning of getting to know the big man, she and him hadn't quite gotten along together, but 100 years can change a lot of things. Plus, Taro's ability to be quiet was one of her favorites and she welcomed anyone who could be quiet at the appropriate times. Of course this nice silence was quickly filled with Mayo Arashi's greeting and offering of saki. Sighing, she was shocked the woman even showed up considering her ability to disappear and go slacking off with civilian souls. She was literally the opposite of silence, and in Okirigae's mental dictionary, Mayo's face was placed there for the definition of loud/ a slacker. Shaking her head at the woman for the offer of her drink, she tried to stay as cordial with the other captains as possible now a days. Following in behind her, was none other then Mitsue Kurotuo, who she unforunately considered her best friend. Someone she would be willing to die for even in the event something like that could happen [color=#FF6E26]"Good hopefully if the stars are aligned it'll be yours"[/color] a small grin replaced her bleak demeanor, before stopping the twirling and resting the sheathed sword tip down, two hands resting on the hilt. [color=#FF6E26]"To be honest i half expected you to come with Taro, and both of you two beating me here, but it seems i was wrong to assume you'd be on time. Even the big teddy bear and the resident drinker beat you, you might wanna reconsider your status as captain"[/color][/color]