[right][b]USAF Daedalus - Col.S.Caldwell in command - Unknown Space[/b][/right] Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard, Doctor Rodney McKay, Teyla Emmagan and Ronan Dex sat in their uniform around a table. Rodney continued keying in details on a tablet, pouring over the sensor readings of the individual ships that had been showing up. They had established by the open communications that nobody knew what was going on, the closest was the ship calling itself the [i]Resurgence[/i] and their Supreme Commander. Though even they seemed to be displaced in some way shape or form. McKay was already calling it that they were somehow transported to an alternate reality, as they were a thing SG personnel dealt with regularly. "This ship is the most concerning-" He held up the readings of what appeared to be a giant creature, rather than a metal ship like the Daedalus. Johns's stomach did a turn, it was easily bigger than a Wraith hive. McKay picking up on his discomfort continued to speak. "As far as we can determine, it's not Wraith. It doesn't match what we know of their technology, based on what we know a Hive is essentially a union of multiple organisms with one central nervous system. Whereas this appears to be one creature, and while that's y' know. Utterly terrifying it hasn't made any hostiles move yet, by this point in meeting the Wraith they had already fed on several of us." "That doesn't mean we can let our guard down." Caldwell walked into the room, a cup of coffee in his hand. "The [i]Resurgence[/i] is sending a shuttle to pick you up, their Commander felt it prudent should we all send delegates across." Rodney scoffed. "That's ridiculous, why don't we just beam-" John shot daggers at the scientist. "Because we don't want to show them everything we're capable of Rodney." "Oh." "I just feel like I should make you all aware that there is a ship out there calling for the destruction of the Zerg, which from best we can gather in the big living ship out there. We've got hyperspace co-ordinates locked to a nearby planetary body if things get hot, and we'll beam you out." Teyla winced as she held her head in her hands, rubbing her temple. "There is a powerful mind aboard the large ship. She calls herself, Broodmother?" Ronan raised an eyebrow. "Wraith?" She shook her head. "No, it's different. More alien. She is very powerful but concerned." Sheppard and McKay exchanged looks, Sheppard was the first one to speak. "We'll be careful Colonel." Caldwell nodded. "Good. Five minutes, port landing bay. Make sure you're armed." "Yes, sir." [hr] The L/AAT came in past the great big hangar doors, which of course were nothing compared to what they were used to flying through. Space seemed quite tight, Rodney was already analysing the ship in all its glory. It had no visible engines, likely using some form of gravity-defying technology to fly similar to that of the puddle jumpers. Was this race more technologically superior or were they inferior? The sensor readings they gathered of their main ship were conflicting, they had vast amounts of energy generation but the shielding was negligible compared to their own. This just added more questions to the already growing list, and he expected that by the time this day was done there would be even more. The only ship that was like anything they had encountered before was the [i]Hammer[/i]. With similar technologies, it seemed very similar to what they would have eventually come up with without the discovery of the Stargate. As the craft landed in front of them he could see Sheppard's finger resting near the trigger of his P-90, a motion that Teyla seemed to not be mirroring. She had her P-90 at rest, but then she had been dealing with strange cultures all of her life as a trader for the Athosians. Ronan's hand was down near his unique pistol, though he could still probably let a shot off before Sheppard. Rodney lowered the tablet as the door to the craft opened, what looked like humanoid figures in white stepped out. In their hands their own guns, while a figure stepped forward in a similar armour without the helmet. He walked up to Sheppard, who was obviously the leader of the away team and offered a quick salute. Sheppard returned it. "Captain Sixer, I'm here to take you and your team over to the [i]Resurgence[/i] to meet with the Supreme Commander." "Lieutenant Colonel Sheppard, United States Airforce. This is Doctor Rodney McKay-" He pointed to McKay who nodded in turn. "-Teyla Emmagan of Athos-" she bowed her head in greeting "-and Ronan Dex from Sateda." Ronan just grunted. "We're going to be there to represent the Daedalus. Your commander mentioned having never heard of Earth, though that doesn't surprise us as we're currently based outside of our home galaxy. Have you ever heard of Atlantis?" Sixer shook his head. "No, though those questions are probably better directed at the Commander. Let's get going." Rodney barged his way to the front of the group. "While we're on our way, what sort of propulsion system do you use? You seem to be able to move without visible engines, is it manipulation of electromagnetic waves or some form of gravity manipulation? Also, how does your main ship generate energy as we detected a massive output, is that nuclear or some other form of energy generation?" "McKay." Rodney turned to look at Sheppard. "What?" "I'm sure the nice Commander will answer any questions we have, so long as we answer his." Sheppard turned to Sixer as they boarded the craft. "Sorry about that. He just gets excited." Then the doors slammed shut.