[center][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/2b71e016a89fc7de6cfa18b28862668a/tumblr_pck4e2yzsy1ws4tyeo1_540.gif[/img] [h2][color=00aeef]Knight of Possibility[/color][/h2][h3][b]What's Left of Hibiya Park Field, Chiyoda Ward[/b][/h3][hr][@Reflection][@Yukitamas][@DostHou][/center] "[color=00aeef]From where I come from, jousting without a horse is already breaking the rules, so I hope you don't mind me breaking them as well! Take flight with me, Lancer! Our battlefield shall be both the earth and the stars![/color]" Rider's grin grew from ear to ear as he watched his opponent dance across the field, dodging and defending against his arrows with ease. While he had expected to continue their "joust" from the skies, he was happier with this outcome. Surely if they were to continue their bout from before, it would lead to either of them being defeated so early into the War, which isn't something Rider wanted, win or lose. He did not wish to eliminate an opponent who had caused him to react with his strength so early in this war, but he also did not wish to disappoint his Master with losing himself in the battle so early on. Instead, Rider chose to learn as much about his opponent as he could for the night, while having a bit of his own fun. Based on the state of the battlefield, Rider seems to be getting a bit too carried away. The mana he used to fire his arrows was starting to build up, even moreso now that he was in flight. Rider didn't need to fire away in excess either, having the skill to also qualify in the [i]Archer[/i] class container (though his Noble Phantasm wouldn't be a bow, in that case), but he couldn't aim properly even if it were his intentions to; Lancer's remark on Rider's arm hit its mark, still aching from their first exchange of blows. Despite this, Rider's flurry at least gave him more insight on Lancer, namely from Lancer's lack of maneuverability in the air. For sure, Lancer was using a Noble Phantasm to accomplish such bursts given its output of power, but that couldn't be it, could it? Surely, if he were to use that ability to its fullest, perhaps not even the strength of Svyatogor alone would be a match. Rider would need to go all-out from the start with this knight in the future... For now, Lancer's lack of ability to take to the skies was something Rider easily took advantage of, either batting away at his attacks with an armored fist or using Karushka's advantage of movement to avoid those attacks. His onslaught of arrows was relentless, but even he had a feeling Lancer would be able to break that distance soon. Their next clash filled Rider with anticipation, the strength building up within him ready to meet with its opponent. And soon, that moment came to a realization as Lancer finally intersected with the mounted duo. "[color=00aeef]My arms are the columns that hold the Motherland steady, Lancer! Even if bruised and battered, they will never fail to uplift my nation![/color]" Rider's eyes met his opponent's with an equal amount of resolve, his smile never fading. With all his might and half of the giant's strength that he had built up earlier, he swung his still-armored hand at an uppercut, to once again deflect Lancer's strike. Rider gritted his teeth as their attacks clashed, almost struggling to complete his own, but Rider still kept smiling to avoid showing Lancer his weakness. His bruised arm, dropping his bow as it faded away, was cocked back and curled into a fist. [color=00aeef][i]Are you watching, Milord? This move was not named after you, but I hope you still enjoy it![/i][/color] Launching his wounded arm forward, Rider's fist opened up to a palm, bulging as it takes in the other half of Svyatogor's strength. Slamming his open palm towards Lancer's chest, Rider screamed from the pain as he unleashed this next strike, veins bursting with blood. "[color=00aeef][b]Vladimir Smash![/b][/color]" Rider's hand had barely touched Lancer's chest, but it was still enough to slam him back onto the blasted field that was once part of Hibiya Park from its force alone, likely destroying what's left of it should Lancer fail to stop his descent somehow. A defensive attack made with the intention of pushing back all hostile forces, named after a city in Kievan Rus as well as the rightful lord that Rider swore himself to in his lifetime, Prince Vladimir the Fair-Sun. While such an attack with this output of power would normally prove a mere hindrance when faced off on equal ground, its true strength is clearly shown in battles taking place in the heavens, where the aggressor would face both the force of Rider's attack as well as the pull of gravity. "[color=00aeef]Your skills at jousting are unparalleled, Lancer! Truly you are the Knight of the Spear! But my steed and I are like the clouds above, and as such the skies are our domain! I don't doubt your ability to pierce the heavens with your drill-like spear, but I'm afraid that will have to wait another day...[/color]" Karushka made its descent once more, staying just above the ground as it made near landfall, as maneuvering through the craters left by their battle would be much harder than just flying over them. Rider could barely move his left fist, though his right was still mostly functional. He used a lot of magical energy in that fight, and if his Master isn't convulsing on the floor in pain like some hobo filled with bugs, he likely would be should Lancer decide that their fight was not yet over. Landing next to Snegurochka, Rider slumped off his horse into a sloppy kneel, a bloodied fist slamming lightly onto the earth below. It was obvious that he was tuckered out, but Rider still maintained a smile nonetheless. "[color=00aeef]I'm sorry I couldn't win this fight, Miledi... but I hope Milord is pleased at my strength.[/color]"