[color=c4df9b][h1][center]Myako Arashi[/center][/h1][/color] Myako casually handed out cups of sake to the interested and also started to drink of her own cup. All was good with the world. Some weren't taking the drinks, but that was their own right. In the end it was still fine. She enjoyed it and that was all that mattered. As the head captain walked in, Myako looked at her for a moment when the topic of putting away the alcohol was brought.[color=c4df9b]" Alright."[/color] She shrugged and downed the rest of the cup in a single motion, putting it away, taking in the expression of someone who was decently focused on the task of listening. After all the alcohol didn't really affect her negatively in any way with the degree of her power and constitution at this point. The news that were given were rather concerning with the gravity of the situation. Myako raised an eyebrow as she listened. A Vasto Lorde was here? That... how the hell did that happen? She was a captain after all, while some of the lower ranked Shinigami might not have seen even a Gillian since they joined she had and Adjuchas as well. Vasto Lorde was a whole different breed. There were 5 of those? Was the entire population of Vasto Lordes of Hueco Mundo trying to leave? She frowned, each one of those was repotedly stronger than a captain this might be a problem. What was even more problem was the fact that it was keeping a low profile, with it's goal unknown, but that might not need be a bad thing per say. They were intelligent, so there should be reason for it to be here and they could get information if they find it. It might be willing to speak out it's reasons who knew. [color=c4df9b]"I'm going to start the hunt the one within Soul Society right away. However if a Vasto Lorde is here, we should probably assume that at least Gillians or regular hollows in greater numbers might show up as well at it's beck and call." [/color]Myako eventually said when the breifing was more or less over. They needed a hunter to do this and she was the closest thing they had to a hunter. She enjoyed such a chase and the game of it. The only possible negaive was that if a fight broke out, her own power and attack would cause an absurd amount of collateral damage, but it was innevitable. [color=c4df9b]"It's going to take a while, especially if it really wants to stay hidden, but I will track it down." [/color]She added and stretched her arms before fixing her belt that was starting to get a bit loose.[color=c4df9b]" Anyone wants to join me for the hunting process?"[/color] She asked and looked at those around the room. Her eyes that were usually lazy now had burning flames of anticipation dancing in them. Her inner huntress was roused from it's sleep. Her Zampakuto was anticipating this as well. This was going to be a worthy adversary and prey!