Anastasia let out a shy of relief as they crashed down safely. The landing wasn't perfect but it could have been much worse. She smiled at him returning the nod , she was about to respond but the battle caught back her attention. Everyone around her was attacking this large monster she watched as it launched its self into a millions of pieces of rock that appeared to travel faster then a bullet. She felt her body freeze as she could see them heading towards her, before she could blink she was pushed to the side out of the way of the giant rocks falling from the sky. She pulled herself out of the daze she had seemed to get stuck in realizing that Nestor had managed to toss her over along with him. Grateful, she smiled at him chuckling at his comment as she pushed herself off the marble floor dust flooding the area around her. " It's the only way to live" she responded. Feeling the ground shake below them she tried to catch her balance, not something that she was overly good at. She looks over to see the Anubi with its sword in the marble ground, she watched as liquid lava , ash and molten rock filled part of the room. She watched Nestor dart back into the action , smiling at his comment before he left. She spoke softly not loud enough for anyone to hear " Don't worry I have your back" she said before dashing towards the action herself. She watched the others act as if it were second nature, their powers coming easier to them then anything she had seen before. She as slightly jealous, many of these people were much much older then her and had master most of their ablities where as she...well she was still learning. Running back towards them she accidentally bumped into a large bookcase, the small earthquake that the anubi had created rocked the shelves back an forth and unlucky for Anastasia she was about to be stuck under it. She looked up as the shelf began to tip large books and tomes falling on top of her, it was like a sea of books crashing down from the shelves. She covered her head as she tried to get out but the force and weight of the books brought her to her knees. she moaned in pain as the thick spines fell hitting her in the back, arms head...her entire body was covered in books. When the last one fell she moved her hands throwing the large tomes off of her she was able to wiggle herself out but before she could really react the entire shelf came crashing down the weight and sheer speed of the large rack would kill her instantly. She pushed out fast throwing her rather tiny frame forward. She hit the marble ground thinking she was in the clear until a sharp pain shot up her leg. Her tiny voice crying out as it engulfed her body she looked over to see the large shelf was on top of her now crushed leg. Telling by the pain it was still attached. She threw her head back as she took a few heavy breaths closing her eyes she cried out as she tried to pull her leg from under the weight. blood began to pool on the floor seeping into the pages of the books that surrounded her leg. She began to get pissed now, this whole trip was supposed to be for her to gain rep in the company, finally prove herself. She had proven herself alright, she was stuck under a book shelf while the others looked like a bunch of bad asses with their slick powers. No , this wasn't going to happen. Her body lite up in flames like the fourth of July weekend. The green flames dancing over her skin as her eyes narrowed on the shelf, blackened with anger she lifted her arm. " Vicar drum!" she shouted as the fire erupted into a small explosion sending not only the books but shards of the shelf flying around her in a 5 meter radius. Pulling her leg towards her body she ripped off the bottom of her sweater and wrapped it tightly around the wound that was on her leg, Her leg appeared the be only sprained, thankfully due to the fact that she was not human. If she were human, heavens knows what would have happened to her leg. Pulling herself up using a drape that was hung from the ceiling she looked over to see what was happening with the rest of the group, especially Nestor. She watched him carefully, in case she did need to jump in and save his ass again, although you wouldn't hear her complain.