[h3]BOSS BATTLE![/h3] [color=ed1c24]ENEMY[/color]! [list][*]Bandit Leader [*]Bandit ([color=ed1c24]Engaged with Trace, +5 EXP upon kill[/color]) [*][s]Bandit Archer[/s] ([color=ed1c24]Einar +5 EXP[/color]) [*][s]Bandit Archer[/s] ([color=ed1c24]Branna/Thom +5 EXP[/color]) [*]Bandit ([color=ed1c24]New![/color])[/list] [hider=Participants] Alnard Branna [@Typical] Trace [@Haeo] Thom [@Enalais] Einar [@Savo] [/hider] Within moments both the archers were down for the count with a wounded brigand and his beefier superior who was still untouched. He took this opportunity to charge right for Alnard, barreling through not much frankly, as everyone seemed to strut past him for the archers save for Trace, who was experiencing a counter-attack from the bandit he skewered. He would go down quickly after whatever counter-attack he could muster, as he was bleeding profusely from Trace's attack. The heavy axe of the bandit leader swung down towards Alnard. Knowing he could not hope to defend against it with a sword, he swept back, before delivering a counter-attack with his sword. The oaf moved well enough to avoid a major injury. Yet he smiled as he looked at Alnard. Or rather... He noticed his eyes moving beyond him. Before he heard the warcry, he heard their heavy steps. Another bandit emerged from one of the houses, dropping a sack as he did, as it seems he was looting the house, and swung for Alnard, who could but block his attack and deliver whatever counter-attack he could.