[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/kvNW08g.png[/img][/center][i][color=steelblue]"Hey, Emon, come down here for a moment and meet me in this place's toilet, will ya? You haven't been back home during the whole day and I was busy tampering with Bird Boy's Mystic Code so I didn't get the chance to do something for you,"[/color][/i] Alex said over her mental bond to Emon as she arrived at the meeting place she set up with Bird Boy, asked for a strawberry cheesecake and a cup of tea, before taking a quick detour to the toilet. Upon arriving there, she quickly set up a small bounded field just to dissuade anyone from entering the place while she waited for Assassin. [i][color=steelblue]"Just to make it clear. I wanna place a rune on your shoes to make it impossible for those hounds to track you, or get a hold of your scent, just like I did on mine. That should make it easier for you to counter spy on them,"[/color][/i] she said as she produced a blank scroll, ink, and a pen and began writing a Scroll of Geis to use on Bird Boy. [i][color=steelblue]"Also, if you can, try to stay close and ready to take me out of here just in case Bird Boy is crazy enough to try to do anything funny in a public place. I really don't wanna die just because I'm dealing with an amateur. Better safe than sorry, after all."[/color][/i]