[color=CC00FF][h1][center]Charndoisella Ariellitya[/center][/h1][/color] [hr] [color=CC00FF]“C’mon Caster, it’ll be a lot of fun! My butler said that the most fun people could ever have is inside of one of these Japanese arcades!”[/color] Charlie was rampaging through the street, grabbing her Servant as she did so. To the uninitiated, it just seemed like two genki JK girls on their way to the arcade. Even to the initiated, that was more or less what was going on. Even if the sun was setting on the rest of Tokyo, arcades in Akiba were always open fairly late. This may or may not have something to do with the karaoke rooms often placed inside of them. A tired businessman could simply sing away the sorrows of the day with the rest of his coworkers inside one of those karaoke rooms. They surely wouldn’t be as well stocked a more professional karaoke place, but beggars can't be choosers. Especially since Charlie had no actual care for Karaoke. Instead, her interest gravitate towards one machine in particular. Out of all the shooting, racing, and fighting games, Charlie’s attention went towards this strange machine which had directional arrows on the floor of it. The name of the machine was plastered on the side of it, and it read D*nce D*nce R3volution. Whatever this strange device was, Charlie was gripped. She quickly read the rules which were on a small label on the other side of the machine. [color=CC00FF]“This one Caster! This is the one we have to play!”[/color]