[color=6ecff6][center][h2]Cleo Forsberg[/h2][/center][/color] [color=6ecff6][center][h3]Let the games begin[/h3][/center][/color] The stands of the Tokyo Dome stood empty and dark. An arena that was used to seeing audiences in the tens of thousands, that would often by filled with cheering crowds as it hosted sporting events and concerts, held a silence that seemed all the starker for how large the space was. There was something eerie about it, the sheer emptiness and lack of life making the dome feel more devoid of life than any graveyard Cleo had ever visited. [color=6ecff6]“Are you ready Shielder? You should be able to fight to your heart’s content in a place like this.”[/color] The preparations Cleo had wanted to perform last night were now complete and she was ready to join the war in earnest. The brief scuffle at the tower last night had given them little, earned them almost nothing, and their actions tonight were aimed at correcting that. The Tokyo Dome was about to become host to a spectacle that few in the modern age would ever see, that most wouldn’t ever learn had taken place. She took up her position in the announcer’s box, giving her a clear view of the entire field at the arena’s centre and most of the stands. The familiars she had spent a portion of the day creating were hidden at each entrance and in the many hallways that ran through the building. The air around her was filled with the spirits, wraiths and apparitions that would be her tools should another Master seek her out. They were ready. [color=6ecff6]“Go ahead Shielder. Let everyone know where we are, send out the challenge.”[/color] [@Crusader Lord]