[b] Rob-Streets/alleyways, To the church/belltower-Holly/Damian [/b] Rob silently yawned as Damian described that most likely it would be quite a uncomfortable night, but hopefully he could get a pillow or something.If not, well at least he could feel maybe a fraction at ease tonight. When Damian easily took care of a walker, Rob couldn't help but be amused that he was next to a guy who had two swords. Damian seemed not amused at the fact that a bit of the blood got on his shirt, [i] I bet he misses Dry-cleaning [/i]. Rob suddenly tensed as he heard a gunshot. Rob quickly followed Damian, also being just in time to see the Raiders. Rob silently cursed underneath his breath. He gave a quick glance to Holly to see that she was keeping pace. It was pretty damn obvious that Damian was angry, of course Rob would be angry as well.[i] His current home is being raided, who wouldn't be furious about that. [/i] However, he could hear that there were people in the church, was Damian going to ambush him. That thought went away as he gave another look at Damian, not the one to be groups, Rob reminded himself. Damian made a gesture towards the entrance, Rob bit his lip as he looked upwards towards the bell tower. He saw someone shouting toward them. Crap, that will probably attract attention. The Raiders, not to mention walkers. He wanted that guy to shut up. What could he do if he helped....Maybe. "What do we do?" Rob whispered to Damian. "Do you want to get your stuff back....Do you know if this church has some bullsh*t secret entrance?" Rob added. They couldn't just barged in there they would get slaughtered. Of course they could just leave, which Rob would probably do. But since he was in a group, he would see what the other two wanted to add as well.