That brat! Just her luck that the girl had somehow known that not only someone was there, but for what reason. Lexi knew how to look for people without others knowing you were doing it, and Caitlyn had done so, very aptly she was forced to admit. Lexi took in a breath and made her way after the direction the girl had dashed to, after creating that huge splash. What kind of fruit had she eaten? What else other than creating and controlling water could the girl do? Then other good questions popped into the assassin’s head. Was it [i][b]ALL[/b][/i] water? Most everything in this world had water in it. Even poisons were sometimes liquid. Hell the human body was made mainly by it. How dangerous could this girl be now? [color=ec008c]”You seem very dangerous. And I could use some dangerous gals in my crew. Wanna come with me?”[/color] Lexi tilts her head up to see the girl whom she’d been ‘following’ seeing Caitlyn grin cheekily at her. A flash of a picture of a wanted poster with that same grin popped into her head. It was at least a decade old or something, and the man had died a bloody and horrible way. She shook her head figuring she got that wrong somehow. [color=92278f]”What makes you think you can afford me?”[/color] Lexi retorted, making Caitlyn giggle. [color=ec008c]”Cause. I’m gonna be Queen of the Pirates, and find Luffy’s treasure!”[/color] Caitlyn exclaimed her eyes glimmering with the fever of dreams.