[quote=@LuckyBlackCat] [@NeoAJ] Yay!! Just the kind of RP I've been looking for. Here's my solo artist, I hope this is ok. [hider=Kaelynn Shaw][h1][center][color=ff0080][u]Kaelynn Shaw[/u][/color][/center][/h1] [color=ff0080]Act Name[/color] Kaelynn Shaw [color=ff0080]Based Out Of[/color] Seattle, Washington [color=ff0080]Genre of Music[/color] Alt-rock singer songwriter [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/wmb9OiL.jpg?1[/img][/center] [color=ff0080]Character Name[/color] Kaelynn Anna Shaw [color=ff0080]Nicknames[/color] Kay, Kay-Kay, Kaz [color=ff0080]Age[/color] 26 [color=ff0080]Gender[/color] Female [color=ff0080]Sexuality[/color] Bisexual [color=ff0080]Relationship Status[/color] Single [color=ff0080]How Your Joined You Earned Your Invite[/color] Formerly one half of the music duo Resonance Frequency. While never what anyone would call rich or famous, they had a decent following and were well on their way to success. After the project's premature end, Kaelynn took a two year hiatus, and has only recently returned to music as a solo artist. EyeSight is her chance to move on from the past and establish her new career. [color=ff0080]Appearance Details[/color] [list][*]Hair: Hot pink (naturally brown) and layered, usually worn loose. It gets dishevelled and tangled easily, especially when she's on stage, not that she minds. She prefers that kind of look. [*]Eyes: Blue [*]Height: 5'8" [*]Body Type: Tall and lanky, with a narrow boyish frame. While no athlete, she has a decent level of strength, as some people she arm wrestles in bars find out. [*]Clothing Style: Often wears black tank tops or vest tops, with blue or grey skinny jeans. Other items in her wardrobe include a few [url=http://i.imgur.com/y7QgDL0.jpg]T-shirts with classic rock band and musician logos[/url], and one depicting a wolf howling at the moon. Accessory wise, she likes chunky leather chokers and bracelets, as well as [url=http://i.imgur.com/ad3eK3K.jpg]skull shaped rings[/url]. [*]Makeup Wise: Surprisingly little, considering her otherwise loud style. Occasionally she'll wear dark eyeshadow and eyeliner, but most of the time she's content with just pink lipstick and a touch of mascara. [*]Scars, Tattoos and/or Piercings: A tattoo of a musical score winding around her left lower leg. The notes have pink and yellow spring blossoms for heads, representing her new beginning in music.[/list] [color=ff0080]Personality Traits[/color] Loud, bubbly and full of energy, Kaelynn is the kind of person who's either fun or annoying depending who you ask. A true extrovert, she loves to be the life and soul of the party. While generally friendly, she will speak her mind, even when she shouldn't (especially after a few drinks). She's the type who has little to hide, or so she claims. Despite her love of socialising, she keeps friendships casual, without getting too close. This is because her mask of positivity hides her fear of losing people. While she's usually open with her feelings, difficult life events are something she keeps to herself, and she avoids getting into situations where they could happen again. Sometimes to the detriment of herself and others. She's also nowhere near as confident about setting out on her own as she seems. [color=ff0080]Upbringing Synopsis[/color] Born in Seattle to a music teacher mother, Kaelynn showed musical interest and talent from a young age. This was one reason she and her schoolmate Daniel got along so well. They'd frequently meet up, sharing guitar techniques, playing and singing together. By the end of high school, they were musical duo Resonance Frequency, as well as more than friends. Little by little, they built up a name for themselves. They started out performing locally, then after signing up to a record label, touring across America. Before long, they got in a few tours through Canada and Europe. Throughout their career, they remained one of those rare couples who stuck together long after high school. It seemed nothing could separate them. Until the day a motorcycle accident claimed Daniel's life. Withdrawing from music and from the world, a grief-stricken Kaelynn went back to her bar job. It was a year until she picked up a guitar or sang again, and even then, it was just for friends and family at parties. They were the ones who, another year later, managed to convince her to resume her former career. While touring as a solo artist wasn't the same, she acknowledged she couldn't have stayed away from it forever, and Daniel wouldn't have wanted her to give up her dream. [color=ff0080]Misc.[/color] Face Claim: Charlotte Free | Color Code: ff0080 Additional info: Some people wonder why she's never done any songs dealing with her loss - much of her material is uplifting, even her ballads. In truth, she's written several for therapeutic purposes, but has never recorded them. She worries it would come across as exploiting tragedy for financial gain. Last act I saw in concert: From The Jam[/hider] [/quote] This looks great and as soon as I have the characters tab set up, she is on the act list! BTW, sorry I have been taking so long to get this set up. Work kicked my ass this week and I'm just now starting to recover, especially with another project happening at the same time. Not naming names...