[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190519/8a76258f0fa7a64c9123d41709a46e86.png[/img][/center][center][sub][color=darkgray][color=white][b]::[/b] [/color]the streets of thorinn [color=white][b]//[/b] [/color] thorinn [color=white][b]::[/b][/color][/color][/sub][/center][hr]The sudden question coming from the warrior sent a shockwave through Alex's body. Looking for people to band together with had been his number one priority up to this point, so he should have by all means felt relieved at having taken care of his most important dilemma. Instead, he only felt even more restless. Was this what his brother felt throughout his years of live action roleplaying and tabletop sessions? His breaths felt sharper and his mind felt clearer, like he was getting ready to take on something big. The road ahead would be dangerous and possibly fatal, but something about being surrounded by others who would lend him a helping hand made the idea seem a lot more doable. He'd just have to keep those dark thoughts at bay and let his more impulsive side out. It's what got him this far, at least. [color=#87c735]"Sure dude!"[/color] [color=#87c735][i]Wait, would a guy like him take roleplaying seriously?[/i][/color] He was talking pretty normally to his friends, so he was probably cool with it. [color=#87c735]"I mean man. Sir?"[/color] Alex's unleashed his signature idiotic grin, and then aimed it at Eaudenil. [color=#87c735]"You're gonna join too, right?"[/color] Despite only having met her for a brief moment, there was something about Eaudenil's hope and dedication towards embodying her character that he liked. It reminded him of his brother, in a way.