[color=c4df9b][b]Ettamri Belarence[/b][/color][hr] [color=c4df9b]"Nay, tis but a traveller's caution. One cannot be too sure of safety out here."[/color] Relaxing her pose, Ettamri gave a small nod to the figure. [color=c4df9b]"Apologies for disturbing you, pilgrim. We have just come from an ambush by large apes and we are not in the best of moods."[/color] That was that then. No brute orc ready to spring out and club them in their sleep. Just another pilgrim who managed to get to the springs. Perhaps a powerful one, or just one that wasn't a juicy target. A single person wasn't worth the trouble if they weren't rich after all. From her experience, it was never worth it to pry into another one's business if one did not have a significant investment in it. Considering how exhausted the party was, she deemed it wasn't worth it to start up a fight either. Signalling the all clear to the rest and to set up camp a bit aways, she moved closer, more to inspect the spring than the traveller in it. Will this really have some sort of healing property?