[center][h1][color=lightblue]Cilia Cosgair[/color][/h1] [hr] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4922486]Link to Cilia's Sheet[/url] [hr][/center] Cilia rubbed legs to try to get them to relax. Sleep had helped but, she was still not use to running that much. Now her mind was racing like a three-year-old on sugar. At the call and response occurred with the stranger as they prepared for the day's journey, Cilia was ready to quail. This was becoming a more natural response to the world. Then Axley's comments were not purely glowing in a positive way did not help. Because of the circles that Axley worked in, this one could be anyone from a womanizer, a conman, a cheat. or a crappy tipper. Heck! It could be even worse a former boyfriend. If that was the case, Cilia would take Axley's side and give him the cold shoulder too. Men do not understand and had a different view of these things. On the other hand, she was excited to have another warrior for their group. Maybe he could teach her something or even better he might have a book on him. If he had a book and was Axley's ex, she would have to think about the situation. As she got closer to the stranger, she looked at him intently, trying to judge what she thought. She liked the pockets, lots of places to put stuff. Women's clothing doesn't have enough pockets she thought. It also made her think that he had a lot of secrets he was trying to hide or maybe he had poison in one of those pockets. She wanted to get closer to see his stuff. Maybe, he would have a bow or a crossbow. She could learn to shoot that. They really needed one as the Jerky wasn't going to last. She would have to ask if he knew how to tie a rabbit snare, she was going to ask Snow and forgot. The fresh meat would lift their spirits. The new comer had his hand near his sword meaning he was ready from trouble and he wasn't sure if he trusted them. It was okay, she wasn't sure if she trusted him yet either. She moved off a little in a flanking motion still a ways away looking like she was checking for rabbit tracks, which she was. But she also watche watched Fergus, Snow, Axley, and Sasuke Stormwind. Interested in how this interaction was going to go.