The song came to an end and Charlie Summers smiled, an expression of aloof pleasure as she let the last chord strum off and end in a soft hum. There was a moment of breathless silence as she sat there, looking down at her beat up guitar, before her small entourage broke into applause. This broke Charlie from her daze as they flocked towards her guitar case. The sound of coins clinking together as they dropped into the velvet lined case made Charlie's blue eyes light up. “Thank you, thank you.” Her chorus of gratitude rung out in the air as she tried to address every person who gave her some amount of money. She smiled at a middle-aged man who dropped in two twenties, his balding head nodded as he looked towards her. “You're good.” The appraisal made Charlie laugh. “Thank you so much.” She beamed, leaning over to gather the cash out of the guitar case. She stuffed coins and several bills into her bag and started to pack up. “I mean it, Miss. You shouldn't be out on this street, you should be in some sold out concert hall.” Charlie looked up to see that the man was still there, he wore an official looking suit and was holding a leather briefcase. Laughing bitterly, Charlie shook her head. “I wish. But times are tough, and this is a hard business. I perform where ever I can.” She had gotten her things packed and slinging her old satchel around her chest she looked over towards the guy who was now pulling something out of his jacket. “Listen, I see something in you. I could make you a star, you'd be the name everyone knew. You'd be sensational.” His deep voice told Charlie everything that she had ever wanted to here. She tucked a piece of blond hair behind her ear, looking down timidly as she reached out and took the business card he offered her. “You mean it?” The man clapped his large, meaty hands together. The sound was sharp and erupted through the now empty street. “Of course I mean it! You've got... something special.” His eyes trailed her body. “The only thing is, sweetheart, fame doesn't come free. It's not gonna be cheap, my services.” Charlie sighed, and there was the catch. Money. After she had left her house at the age of seventeen and moved into the city with a friend, Char hadn't had much cash. It was a struggle to pay the bills every month and she'd never be able to pay for something like this. It must have shown in her body language, because a few seconds later his voice piped up again. “But there might be another way. If you just do me a few... favors, I might be able to help you out with the money issues.” Charlie's head shot up, she wasn't stupid and she knew just what these “favors” would be. Rolling her eyes Charlie looked down at the cheaply made card. “You're kidding me, right? Fuck off ass hole.” Chucking the card to the ground, she quickly grabbed her guitar case and shoved past the man, whose suit she noticed was not so high end after all. “Pervert.” She mumbled under her breath and she stalked away. The cool night air was blessed against her sticky, sweating skin. That was not far from the first time she had been approached with such a proposition, yet every time something in her clicked with hope. Maybe this time it was real. Maybe this time she would luck out. Yet, she never did. Feeling defeated, Charlie slowly walked home. She enjoyed these evenings, when the streets were barren and it was just her and the wind that blew silently around her. She enjoyed the city life. Fast-paced, noisy, and always bringing something unexpected. However, she sometimes missed the silence that living in a rural area could bring, and she relished the moments when she was just alone in the quiet with only her thoughts for a companion. Sighing in relief, she saw the large, isolated building that was her home. Her brown, heeled boats, that came to her ankles and were decorated with some zippers and laces, tapped lightly against the pavement as she hurried towards the apartment. She wore a light, floral patterned skirt that brushed midway to her thigh and the only thing covering her legs was a pair of thin, black nylons. This was worn with a white, knitted sweater and a brown scarf. Fixing said scarf, she approached her building's steps and slowed when she saw a woman sitting tragically on them. Charlie was confused for a second. The woman looked completely out of it, with her head bent and her hair shrouding her face. There was something slightly endearing about her, even though she was doing absolutely nothing to draw attention to herself. “Uh, um...” Charlie wasn't sure if she should let the woman be, or if she should ask what was wrong. She wanted to go inside, to get into some pajamas and curl up on her couch and watch criminal minds re-runs until she fell asleep. But this woman obviously needed help and Charlie wouldn't forgive herself if she just left her out here alone and looking so distraught. 'Alrighty.' Charlie thought to herself, sitting down on the steps next to the woman. Timidly, Charlie tapped her on the shoulder, she looked to be very prestigious and Charlie wasn't the most comfortable around authoritative people. Licking her dry lips, she looked at this woman and with a voice that wavered sighed, she asked: “Uh, are you... alright?”