[hr][hr][center][h2][color=silver]Megan Pendragon[/color][/h2][img]https://i.postimg.cc/yx5CwGGc/giphy.gif[/img][hr][color=silver]Location:[/color] the Morgue [color=silver]Skills:[/color] N/A[hr][hr][/center] Megan was lying on a slab, staring up at the fluorescent lights. They were flickering weakly, struggling to hold onto the last bits of radiance before they would finally succumb to the fate of every government facility - poor lighting and disrepair. There were certainly more comfortable places for her to lie down and stare at the ceiling, they even had a couch in the break room with a small television, but the cold, sterile, and silver bench top always appealed to her. She'd jokingly explain to her brother, Detective Gold, that she was simply practicing for being buried alive one day. [color=silver]"Come on, Ms. Duffer's organs aren't going to weigh themselves..."[/color] Megan murmured to herself. She pulled herself up into a seated position, her braided hair falling over her shoulder. Swinging her legs to the ground, Megan hoped off of the slab and straightened her lab coat. Walking over to the docking station, she plugged in her phone and got the music going. Yes, listening to music in lab was an OSHA violation but she didn't care and she doubted her boss would mind, given that the docking station was his to begin with. [i]Throwing Muses[/i] started to play from the speaker and Megan smirked slightly to herself, grabbing the bone saw and approaching the other slab in the room with an occupant. The victim was a lovely old lady, really didn't have an enemy in the world, except her estate was contested and they had asked for a full autopsy to rule against foul play. Powering up the rotating blade of the saw, Megan began the clinically horrifying process of cutting open the corpse's skull, eventually revealing the grey matter underneath - it was like a twisted prize in a kinder egg. [color=silver]"Well hello there, Ms. Duffer... I hope you don't mind, but I do need to weigh your brain - it's standard procedure and all."[/color] Powering off the saw and setting it aside, Megan reached her gloved hands into poor Ms. Duffer and removed her brain, setting it down gently on the scales. [color=silver]"Wow, good on you, that's a bit heavier than normal,"[/color] Megan remarked to herself. She recorded the weight quickly in her notebook, before looking around for the next tool she needed - the brain knife... [color=silver]"Y'know, I got this really batty letter this morning, claiming to know about my birth parents,"[/color] Megan commented, making idle conversation as she finally found the tool she was looking for and she returned to her "patient." [color=silver]"Do ya reckon it's worth looking into? See, I was thinking about it and as far as I can tell, the reason not to go would be the risk of personal injury... but if any part of it is real, I think I'd regret dying and [i]not[/i] knowing."[/color] She nodded slightly, continuing about with her work. It wasn't unusual for her to talk to the corpses and of course she knew that they couldn't understand her - they just happened to be a better sounding board than most people she knew. [color=silver]"Besides, could always take the bone saw with me I s'pose,"[/color] she snickered a bit, shaking her head slightly.