[sub][hr][/sub][COLOR=#81CFFF][indent][sub][B][i]Location:[/i][/B] [COLOR=#BFD7D7][I]Angel City, Cherubim Park [/I] - [I]October 25, Friday[/I][/COLOR][/sub][sup][right][b][i]Event:[/i][/b] [COLOR=#BFD7D7][I]Monster Phase Begins[/I][/COLOR][/right][/sup][/indent][/color][center][b]Monster [h3]Razorback[/h3][/b][/center][sub][hr][/sub] Things were starting to wind down in Cherubim Park, those with young kids had already left or were just starting to leave. A group of teenage girls were having a little picnic on a classic red and white checkered blanket. The gaggle of girls were munching on sandwiches, crackers, cheese, and a thermos full of cold lemonade. They were a group of friends from Seraphim High that had decided to get one last casual get-together outdoors before something like a picnic would become impractical, already it was starting to get a bit cool as the heat of the day disappeared into evening. Their names were Emily, Katherine, Akari, and Denise. As one might surmise from their names, one of them was Japanese, well half anyway. Emily was a brunette with curly hair, Katherine was a freckled red-head, Akari was typically black haired but had put in some dark blue highlights to add some color, and Denise was a shocking blonde. They had been friends for a long time an even now still did a lot of things together, except dating boys of course. "So which one do you like?" Emily asked as the group munched and watched a bunch of young men playing around with a frisbee. They were playing a game of Ultimate Frisbee, kind of like putting Frisbee and Football together. They were split into two teams and while it was uneven, the losing team still put up a good fight. "I'd say the tall, stately one with the square jaw." Katherine answered quickly, though her choice had been obvious as he kind of looked like that one actor from Smallville. "Not a bad choice, but I have to go with the cute blonde that keeps trying so hard." Akari smiled as the guy tried to block a pass but the one doing the catching managed to catch it anyway. "Can't tell from here, but bonus points if he has blue eyes." "You are such a typical Asian." Denise teased as she tried to get a good feel for which one was her type. She looked around for a bit then settled on one. "That kind of muscular one there that can run like a linebacker is pretty hot. Now how about you Emily?" Emily started fingering her curls as she looked at the players, then she smiled and pointed to one near the temporary end zone. "I think he-" Suddenly the ground beneath the guy erupted in a cloud of dirt, tossing the fellow forward onto his face. Behind him a massive beast with sharp teeth, tusks, and massive spikes all over its body as if it had been born from a stalagmite filled cave. Emily stared in shock as her finger was now pointing straight at the monster. "I didn't know your tastes were that bad." Denise laughed nervously, nobody quite believing what they were seeing. The knocked over guy rolled over and tried to scrambled away from the monster, but it slammed a massive hand onto his legs, preventing him from escaping. It took only a few seconds but already the monster had claimed its first victim. The girls grew pale at the sight of the crushed young man and everyone started rushing about in a panic, cries of 'monster!' and 'help' pierced the air as chaos descended on the park. "Forget the stuff! Let's get out of here!" The girls quickly started to race out of the park, well all but Emily who was frozen to the spot in terror as her arm slowly descended to her side as the monster started chasing after whatever human was nearest to it. The people were at least smart enough to scatter in all directions but that fact would only reduce the casualties a bit, unless something else happened fast. The Entity watched in silence from above, but did not stop its 'broadcast'. Soon they would arrive and the energy from The Entity would trigger the transformation of those who could fight. For those already awakened it would do nothing but light the way to their newest foe.