I was in the Canadian Forces Reserve as an Armoured Recce soldier in the Rangers. It's honestly extremely nerve wracking going into it, and the first three weeks are going to be the hardest three weeks of your life. Stick with it, keep an eye on what you really want, and know that eventually, the bullshit ends and the fun begins. You just have to earn it. Oh, and never forget that you're only as strong as the weakest member of your platoon. And hell, I was 16/17 when I enlisted, so if immature, introverted me pulled it off with one of the toughest reserve regiments in 32 Brigade, you can too. Pain is weakness leaving the body. [hider=You too can be cool][IMG]http://imageshack.com/a/img822/9069/pxdv.jpg[/IMG][/hider]