[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjAwMDAwMC5UM05qWVhJLC4w/canterbury.regular.png[/img][/center] [hr] Oz dreamed of his home. Not the one from his previous life prior to his death, but the one he lived in the ranger's reserve. It was sunny and the sounds of nature filled the air to create a symphony that he could consider to be a masterpiece. He was wearing his casual attire, which consisted of his hunting attire sans the leather armor pieces and hunting cloak. He was filled with a sense of contentment as he cut an impossibly perfect apple. A familiar raven landed atop his hat and cawed and pecked the brim of his hat to call Oscar's attention. [color=orange]"Yes, Bird. I know you're there."[/color] Another caw and it flaps off his hat and in front of him, where the raven looked at both the ranger and the fruit expectantly. [color=orange]"Be patient. You'll get a treat soon. Promise."[/color] He replied to the rather large black bird. Once he finally cored and peeled the apple, he cut a sizable portion of it and handed it to his feathery visitor. Where in which the raven swallowed it in one gulp. Content with the human's offering of fresh fruit, the raven returns to it's perch atop the ranger's hat. [color=orange]"Enjoying the view?"[/color] A singular caw. [color=orange]"Thought so."[/color] Oz promptly replies as he consumes the slices of fruit and occasionally raising a piece for Bird to eat. This was the life. ========================================================================================================= A scream from the springs roused the ranger from his slumber before it returned into a still silence. It had barely been a moment since the end of the scream as the ranger leapt over the campfire, machete and scavenged goblin dagger drawn. [color=orange]Conquer or Die.[/color] The thought resounded in his mind, as his body feels his blood quickening and adrenaline flowing through his entire nervous system. Demanding his body to move faster to the point that his silhouette was akin to a blur moving past the trees at near inhuman speeds. Just as he lept through the veil of mist to where the others were taking a bath, he encountered...nothing. The damnable orc did not attack them, nor did any beast. The scene was simply his wizard friend in the water clutching his family jewels, with visible pain on his face, and a VERY naked Muu standing in front of said wizard friend. Oz's eyes widened and his cheeks burned red as his stare lingered longer than excusable. He realized this rather quickly and raised his cloak to break visual contact and save what decency the blade dancer had left...and hide the fact that a line of sanguine dripped down his nostril. [color=orange]"Jaws above, someone PLEASE explain what is happening?"[/color] [hider=Inventory] [list] [*]Bow +1 x1 [*]Quiver (20 Broad Head Arrows) x1 [*]Arrow Bundle (9 Bodkin Arrows) x1 [*]Trusty Machete x1 [*]Hunting Attire and Cloak x1 [*]Wide Brimmed Hat x1 [*]Durable Backpack[list][*] Sleeping Roll x1 [*] Mess Kit x1 [*] Tinderbox x1 [*] Water Skin x1 [*] Dried Rations x7 [*] Coil of Rope (60ft) x1 [*] Small Hooded Lantern x1 [*] Spool of Fishing Line (150ft) x1 [/list] [*]Coin Pouch (3 sp, 3 cp) [*]Dagger x1 [*]Goblin Ears x3 [*]Small Pelt (Unidentified) x1 [*]Raw Meat x1 [*]Abom Pelt x3 [/list] [/hider]