[center][img=http://i1295.photobucket.com/albums/b635/pandapops7/Roleplays/brown%20hair/Hiroki_zps44879d53.jpg] HIROKI SOHMA 17 years old Cat of the zodiac Hiroki is thirteenth member of the zodiac and is the cat. His mother had complications in childbirth and died shortly afterwards. His father is a very important businessman and is usually overseas, which left Hiroki to be raised by a nanny. When Hiroki's nanny retired when he was thirteen, his uncle from his father's side stepped in and took custody of him. He was much better guardian than a nanny and taught Hiroki everything he needed to know about life. However, three years later when Hiroki was sixteen, his uncle was diagnosed with cancer and moved to America for treatment. Saiyuri refused to let Hiroki follow him and made him stay in Japan. His uncle died not long afterwards, leaving Hiroki alone once again. With no one to take him in, Daisuke appeared and offered him the spare room in his house. Because of the neglect from his father and the death of his uncle, Hiroki has become closed off and doesn't get close to others out of fear that they will eventually leave him. He still isn't over the recent death of his uncle and is still angsting over him. For the most part he stays silent and keeps to himself, but whenever Giima is involved, a fight breaks out.[/center]