Raven looked at him as he talked answering her second question and smiled a bit at him. “Maybe she wants it still but is not sure with how things are if she should keep it for her own selfish reasons for happiness.” Raven said to him as she looked at him and played with the single rose she had pulled out of the bouquet before watching him sit next to her and listening to how he just received it and let out a sigh thinking someone with held it to long. “No it is ok you do not have to read it all it states is me leaving after the festival with my master and shadow due to my irrational behavior and fear of becoming something I do not wish again.” Raven said to him as she looked at the rose. “I wanted to do the right thing to where even if it hurt m to leave and give up on well us for the sake of you becoming king instead of Mathazar then it would be worth it.” Raven explained to him and closed her eyes. “I am leaving for I know I am slowly growing unstable this Red Robin makes me irrational for thanks to her my world reshattered I thought maybe I could finally move on from my past my blood thirst for revenge and just be happy with someone I love but in the end fate plays a cruel hand towards me.” She said to him and looked at him. Hen he mentioned her attitude she let out a sigh for she remember how she acted that was her not knowing what to do either. “That attitude was just me not knowing how to comprehend my feelings for in reality you were never suppose to know I was an assassin and that you were my target in the first place but when I fell for you I went against Mathazar and no thanks to Allister who I now learned is actually my uncle on my moms side of the family told you I was upset and I will admit was not thinking rationally.” Raven explained herself to him for she was happy to see him for she still love him with all her heart. But what shocked her the most was his boldness to all of a sudden say that he decided and wanted to be here knowing the risks and soon watched him lean over holding the bridge of his nose she had to admit she never thought she ever see him like this ever for how composed he always seemed when they were together except for the times she took him out of his comfort zone with them dancing, taking him to the harvest festival. But she listen to him as he spoke and was even more shocked for he was actually speaking what he wanted and not doing what he should be or told to do. Raven then placed her hand on his shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. “Eliezer that is life nothing is easy I am sure you have been told this by someone by now but sometimes you will make choices that will not make everyone happy but what matters is what you believe in but also consider others at the same time.” Raven explained to him. “And do not apologize Eliezer I am not someone you are here to please are be the prince almost king of this kingdom...Right now you are Eleizer someone who I still and the person who will listen if you have these problems and issues you do not have to put up your usual front you do before the people when its just you and me.” Raven explained to him and soon moved her hand to his hand and held it. She let him take a deep breath and recompose himself and held his hand still in the process not showing any sign of letting go of it. But soon listened to him on how he knows what family she belongs to along with her father really was. But what threw her off was when he said that she was.....important to Lunar and how he wished he could let her leave. All this now confused her and got her very curious and wanted to know what he meant but to only be interrupted by Hildebrand and Andy. Once she heard what was happening she looked at Andy. “Yeah he is not lying Amy is distracting the guards right now you both need to get out of here for not only are they looking for you Eliezer they are looking for Raven also to question.” Andy explained and Raven was shocked for she did what she could to not stir trouble up with the guards. When Raven heard his question she was a bit shocked and was confused now at how to answer but soon Amy ran into the scene. “Whatever you are planning do it now for man they got a bit upset when I refused to go into a inn with them.” AMy said. “And they are hading this way now.” Amy said respecting Hildebrand wishes not to kill them. Raven looked at them then at Eliezer then at Amy and Andy. “Amy Andy try to throw them for the trail I am going with Eliezer.” She said to them giving Eliezer her answer that way making them both looked shocked. “But master is...” Before Andy could finish. “There is no time go now both of you Nd Amy get your mask on.” Raven said and Amy nodded as she put her mask back on and disappeared with Andy to go throw the guards off and Raven looked at Eliezer. “We need to move now Eleizer and if you know where to go you better lead the way then.” Raven said to him.