[center] [img]http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss87/beloved_darling/1961358e-b597-4308-8754-0fdca27be890.jpg[/img] TOUYA SOHMA 27 years old Snake of the zodiac Touya's parents hated him and the feeling was mutual, so he grew up with constant anger and developed a distrust for anybody who was not a member of the zodiac like he was. He despises most people and cares only about the other zodiac members, with the exception of Saiyuri, whom he loathes almost as much as he detests outsiders. Since he has no idea how the curse can be broken, Touya is protective of the zodiac members and his top priority is to keep the secret from being exposed. He is an intimidating man who rarely shows affection, but he does have his soft spots and he doesn't like it when those he cares for are hurt. His best friend is Daisuke, even though their personalities are so different, and to this day he visits him daily. When he was 20 Touya fell in love with a girl named Maki Kuromu, who was comically a snake charmer for a travelling circus. She was the first outsider he learned to trust and she accepted him despite the curse, which made Touya love her even more. He married her against Saiyuri's wishes and lived off of the estate for awhile until she died in a car accident three years ago. After her death he sold their old house and moved into Daisuke's home for a few months until he felt okay enough to live on his own again. A year later Touya discovered Hayato was being abused by his parents after hearing him crying due to a window being open. Angered that a child was being hurt, especially a member of the zodiac, like a predator seeking it's prey he barged into the house and knocked out Hayato's parents before carrying Hayato away to safety. After Tamaki arrested them and Hayato was nursed back to health by Shou, Touya became Hayato's official guardian because Hayato was scared of everyone besides Touya, since he remember Touya saving him. Touya was hesitant to become a father figure, but he wasn't just about to abandon him, so he agreed. Like a newborn chick imprinting on it's mother, Hayato became extremely attached to him and for the first few months followed Touya everywhere he went. Eventually Hayato started to feel comfortable around other people, especially zodiac members, so Touya started paying Adeku to babysit him whenever he was busy. Touya hates cooking and can barely work anything in the kitchen, so he and Hayato usually go to Daisuke's house to eat. [/center]