[quote=xcalx1dw] I just tend to hide in my house during the whole thing :). Obviously since I live in Ireland everyone's (and I mean everyone) celebrating. At least it actuality means something here. [/quote] Over here, it's pretty much pretend you're a semi-offensive walking cartiture of an Irish person while staunchly playing up the fact your great grandparents immigrated to Canada so you're totally Irish, too. Actually, people here in general put a lot of pride in identifying as their ancestral nationality for some stupid reason. It's usually like, "Oh, I'm totally German even though my family moved here when Germany was called Prussia and electricity wasn't a thing. So proud, Ich bin Deutschelander!" Then you end up seeing more flags during FIFA in some towns than you do on Canada Day, because apparently identifying with some long past ancestry during a shitty sporting event is more important than taking pride in your actual nationality. I swear, back when I was in high school, EVERYONE overplayed their Irish descent. It was kind of sad.