[hider=Rich][center][img]https://static.highsnobiety.com/thumbor/ndkkOuKar3pVjbvVIQgK6PL_TO8=/fit-in/1200x800/smart/static.highsnobiety.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/12111204/rich-chigga-come-up-01.jpg[/img] [/center] [color=C5E3BF]Name[/color] [indent]Richard Brian[/indent] [color=C5E3BF]Nicknames[/color] [indent]Rich, or simply Richard[/indent] [color=C5E3BF]Age[/color] [indent]17, 18 in May[/indent] [color=C5E3BF]Gender[/color] [indent]Male[/indent] [color=C5E3BF]Sexuality[/color] [indent]Heterosexual[/indent] [color=C5E3BF]Relationship Status[/color] [indent]Married to the grind. But no, he is single[/indent] [color=C5E3BF]Label[/color] [indent]Jock. Though he isn't the athletic type. He fits into the jock group by association.[/indent] [color=C5E3BF]Appearance Details[/color] [list][*][b]Hair:[/b] Black | Typically worn at a medium-to-short length. Some time with a side part with the part cut in to the right side of his crown. [*][b]Eyes:[/b] Dark brown to black, depending on lighting conditions. [*][b]Height:[/b] 5 feet, 8 inches [*][b]Body Type:[/b] Slim build, semi-athletic figure. In short, he is fit, but not shredded. [*][b]Clothing Style:[/b] Over-the-top, loud, colorful, with a sense of disdain to what society considers as 'hip'. He has a very defined sense of style that isn't conventional, but it makes me happy. [*][b]Scars, Tattoos and/or Piercings:[/b][/list]None that are visible. Ears are pierced, and he will wear studs most of the time. [color=C5E3BF]Personality Traits[/color] [indent]✚ Optimistic ✚ Friendly ✚ Adventurous ✚ Competitive ✚ Socible ✖ Quick to judge ✖ Can appear arrogant ✖ Too sarcastic, some times ✖ Has a devious side ✖ Secretly insecure [/indent] [color=C5E3BF]Biography[/color] [indent]Rich was born to a middle class immigrant family that ran, surprise, a restaurant. For the majority of his middle school years, he was home-schoooled and this led partially to the development of his behavior/personality and styles. When he reached an age where one would normally start attending the local high school, his parents decided that he needs to experience the school life and no longer be home-schooled. They enrolled him at the local high school upon which he had to take an entrance exam to make sure he was up to par academically. Rich had no issues with the exam he was 'accepted' into the school The next couple of years came and went rather uneventfully. Eventually, Rich found his clique of friends, found the group/social construct he fits into, and carried on his high school life. To his friends, he is known as the gaudy Asian kid that still had a little accent whose family is rich enough to buy him an Audi at 16. Which is what really happened. Being immersed in hip-hop culture, Rich naturally started modifying his vehicle, with or without his parent's consent. Now, at 17, he walks around the school as if he runs it. He is brash, he is prideful, sure. But one can't deny that he is rather friendly, and a joy to be around, if you 'know' him.[/indent] [color=C5E3BF]Family[/color] [indent]Charles Brian | Father, Mary Ann Brian | Mother, Ivy Brian | Younger Sister.[/indent] [color=C5E3BF]Misc.[/color] [indent]Face Claim: Rich Brian/ Brian Imanuel Soewarno | [color=C5E3BF]Color Code: C5E3BF[/color] -He works at his family restaurant when he is not in school. [color=C5E3BF]"Gotta save on labor, you know?"[/color] -He watches just about every sport, though he is not very good at any of them. -He dreams of being a Soundcloud Rapper, secretly. In public, he listens to mainstream hip-hop, almost exclusively. Though when he is driving by himself, if Tay Tay came up, he'd sign along... -During the rare free time he has, he spends them either at the local cafe, pretending to be some sort of hipster, or he is out and about, spending as little as possible while maximizing fun. -He drives an [url=https://automanager.blob.core.windows.net/wmphotos/036493/4c229a7623776749a673fe8b00dce447/daaf29094e_1280.jpg]2008 Subaru Impreze WRX STi[/url] "I fucking love Christmas food...."[/indent][/hider] [hider=For my future references] Quick post about character relations~ So, Min-Jun is probably the easiest one to envision for me. They're in the same social group so they would naturally already know of each other. Being in high school, they would most likely consistently compete over their body counts. Rich isn't on a team but they can of course talk sports and all that. They could be sport buddies, hanging out sometimes to watch a game or just talk anything sports related outside of school too. Min-Jun would also try to get Rich to join the team whenever he gets the chance to do so. Love that they would be competitive with one another too. As for Rich modifying his car, Min-Jun could lend a hand since he has some experience with that too? In terms of Daze and Jules, I;m not sure what ABG means for a label but for the fact that Daze likes to Party, I'd say its fair that him and the twins have crossed paths multiple times. Given Daze's sense of fashion, Rich might pass a comment or two, things like "Yo, where'd you get them shoes at" or whatever. As for Jules, I'd assume her and Daze hang out together a lot? So, if that is the case, then Rich would have the same things to say? Secretly, Rich envies the twins for their car. Thats as far as I got for the twins lol~ as far as Daze and Rich's relationship goes it seems accurate enough. Def the types to run across one another and compliment each other have lil hip hop sessions etc As far as Alana, I don't know if her and Rich would cross paths very often. Their social groups don't often mix. In fact, one might even say people in Alana's social group hold a close disdain for people in Rich's. They might find them unrefined and such. Jenna though, reading through her sheet, I get the "she in the one you'd want to score" vibe. Please do tell me if I've butchered it here lol. Otherwise, I would even say that Rich has frequented her profitable business on a few occasions and thrown her invites to parties, not as if she needs it or anything. So, Rich is definitely going to hit on Steph, tip-toeing between sounding jokey and being serious. We'll see how it all plays out lol. Otherwise, their social groups would have tons of interactions naturally. I'll let Steph and her clique form their own opinions of Rich however lol So, for Melissa. Again, like her friend Steph, their social groups would naturally cross paths often. With Melissa wanting to assert control so much, I can see Rich giving her sassy- ass rebukes, which Melissa probably hates. Rich will not stop doing it, because he finds the possible frustration from Melissa quite funny. Because he looks like a trap that cops use to lure pickpockets, he speaks like someone who doesn't know his place and if he's coming for Steph, she's gonna be super protective momma bear when I read Samantha's sheet, I got a 'chameleon' vibe from her. In the sense that she is cool with every social group, and she can blend in with any one of them? So, based off of that, Rich knows of Samantha, has seen her at parties here and there and does not understand why she hangs out with some of the 'lesser' people So, for Tiffany and Rich's relations. I was thinking that they would know each other, given their respective social circles. However, I'll let you decide how Tiff sees Rich's fashion sense. Also given Tiff's world view and her propensity to break down and become dramatic, I can see Rich tip-toeing around her, being careful not to upset her since he panics himself when she panics. So for Joseph. I feel like Rich would know him through Jen. They seem to belong in the same social group and given Rich's business relationship with Jen, it should be fair to say that Rich knows Joey as well. Also, I would say that Rich likes Joey's aesthetic. The carefree skater boi. Rich, even with his outward attitude, wishes to be as carefree as Joey. Hope is too nice lol. Rich sees him as 'soft' but thats about it. Nothing about Hope rubs Rich the wrong way. It is simply the fact that their paths might not cross very often that limits their knowledge to eachother. For Lance, he is literally the little brother of someone in Rich's social group. So, I feel like Rich would know him. Though, they're in different social circles. Rich would also know him from the likes of Mikey and the rest of the people involved with the SCS. Otherwise, there would not be a whole lot of interaction..? So, for Ricky. Obviously, Rich likes to be sarcastic with him. He also realizes that Ricky would be the muscle of his friends group so he keeps him in his back pocket. That realistically sounds worse than Rich means for it to be. Rich genuinely wants to be friends with the guy, despite the whole 'Pretty Ricky' bit. For Aria, given that she fits into the 'jock' group, Rich will know her. At least a little bit. Rich might even know her as the 'nerdy one over there' However, given their differing interests, I don't know if there would be a whole lot of interaction... For Eli, he probably thinks of Rich as a walking meme. Given their seemingly different social groups, Rich might find him slightly annoying. Rich likes memes, he thinks that they're fun. But he thinks Eli overdoes it. I don't see a whole lot of other interactions here either unfortunately. For Morgan, since Rich likes video games, He would probably know of her, along with Samantha as the 'two that streams'. Rich might even approach her to offer some music or whatever to be played on her streams lol~ [/hider]