Lark fidgeted with the settings on his camera for the hundredth time since he’d woken up today and analyzed his surroundings with a deceptively relaxed gaze. He, like the rest of the trainers present, had shown up to participate in this gym challenge. Unlike the rest of them however, Lark didn’t have his sights set on just winning. He was an amateur photographer in search of the best shots and his career mattered far more to him than winning some challenge. As he walked around he couldn’t shake off a weird feeling that chased him. Was it the food he ate? Did he forget to pack something? Or was it that odd conversation he had with his parents over the phone the other day? Eh, he’d get over it soon enough. [i]Still can’t believe my parents were gonna name me Maya if I was a girl. What a weird name.[/i] His pokemon fluttered around him, pressuring Lark to get his head out of the clouds and keep walking. “Alright, I get it.” Shutter the venomoth, a pokemon with not much attack power but with a terrifying assortment of ways to shut down any of her opponents. Many trainers had underestimated the beautiful pokemon, only to discover the fury of having their all-offense pokemon rendered paralyzed, exhausted and infatuated at the same time. Lark ignored her for the most part, as his attention was focused on a gothic looking trainer. He’d just snap a quick picture of the exotic looking man and keep moving. *SNAP* He had turned flash on at some point during his re-re-recalbirations. Crap.